Kapi-Mana News

School’s family feel appeals to new head


With 30 years on the job, Colin Tarr could have his pick of teaching roles, but the new principal of Titahi Bay North School says there is no place he would rather be.

‘‘I’ll be here for many years to come,’’ he said.

Tarr started at the school last week after working at the New Zealand Teachers’ Council for a year. He replaces Steven Caldwell, who moved to Paraparaum­u.

While at the New Zealand Teachers’ Council, Tarr said he realised how much he pre- ferred working at a school.

‘‘I wanted to find a school where I would not be overburden­ed by administra­tion and really take an interest in what happens in those classrooms.’’

Hailing from Upper Hutt, Tarr has worked in schools across New Zealand including South Auckland, Wainuiomat­a and Waikato.

He has been principal at five schools, a lecturer at the University of Canterbury and held a number of other education roles.

Tarr said he chose the school of 120 children because he liked the family feel.

‘‘ It’s a


community orientated place. It’s a place where everybody knows your name.’’

To kick off his time, he gave out badges with TBNS whanau printed on them.

Tarr said while he would be making some changes, he wanted to keep the family feel and the dedicated staff.

‘‘We are going to keep on doing the things we do well. I want to keep that country school in town feeling.’’

Tarr will have no time to ease into his new role as the school has its three yearly education review in the next few weeks.

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