Kapi-Mana News

Better news about playground injuries


More than 700 injuries in Porirua schools cost taxpayers $ 136,000 last year, but the numbers are trending down.

Figures released to KapiMana News under the Official Informatio­n Act for the past three years show that 2013 was a particular­ly dangerous year for the city’s pupils in buildings and playground­s and on sports fields – 748 injuries cost $208,600 in medical expenses and weekly compensati­on.

That compared to 660 injuries for 2012, costing $171,177.

ACC spokeswoma­n Sarah Martin said the more severe the injury, the more it would cost, so more injuries didn’t always mean a higher cost to taxpayers.

Many of the diagnoses in 2014 were for soft- tissue injuries, such as strains and sprains, which accounted for 426 of the 710 accidents reported.

There were 110 claims for laceration­s, punctures or stings, 101 for fractures or dislocatio­ns, 28 that involved dental work and 20 for concussion­s.

Adam Campbell, principal of Postgate School, said he had noticed injuries had dropped in the past three years at the school.

Perhaps ironically, that was due to strict school rules being dropped, he said.

‘‘They are out there, up the trees and playing on a large bank – just going for it,’’ he said.

‘‘We actually noticed on the accident register that the number of kids getting hurt is falling, because they’re learning to take risks, burning up all that energy they have.’’

Campbell said most injuries happened on the school’s concrete area.

The only major accident he could recall was two years ago, when a pupil badly hurt his shoulder on the playing field.

‘‘We want our kids to be active and we tell parents when they come to register that if you want to wrap your kids in cotton wool, then maybe this is not the school for you.’’

Martin said the figures were not specific to school hours or terms, and included people using school grounds for weekend sport.

More than one injury could occur in an accident, so only the primary injury was in the data released, she said.

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