Kapi-Mana News

Naked man near Tawa school


Police have arrested a 32-year-old man who was seen sitting naked in a van in Tawa this month.

Parents of schoolchil­dren were asked to be on the lookout after two children saw the man in Duncan St near Tawa Intermedia­te on February 8.

The man was arrested on February 17 and charged with performing an indecent act. He was also charged in relation to a similar incident in Wilton.

Both incidents happened over Waitangi weekend and police said investigat­ions would continue to see if the man was linked to other reported incidents around the Wellington region.

Staff at Tawa Intermedia­te School were informed of the Tawa incident, which involved two children.

Principal Brendon Henderson said the children were not pupils at the intermedia­te, but the incident was of concern.

‘‘All children get taught how to keep themselves safe. Parents need to re-enforce the not talking to strangers rule and make sure their children know what to do if something does happen.’’

The Tawa incident was one of several in recent months in the area.

In September, Tawa Intermedia­te School emailed parents about a man who had followed pupils making their way to school along Duncan St. In mid-August, a man known to police approached two children from Redwood School. He was later arrested.

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