Kapi-Mana News

Long walk home after ‘big one’


Commuters are being urged to strap on their walking shoes and see if they can handle the long walk back to Kapiti after the ‘‘big one’’ hits.

The Long Walk Home first took place in 2014 and the Kapiti Lions are doing it again this November.

‘‘We got such a good response last time. It’s a good challenge especially for people who sit in their offices in Wellington and wonder if they could walk home when the big one hits,’’ Joe Franklin said.

Designed to make people think about being prepared for a natural disaster, The Long Walk Home challenges people to walk the 48kms from Wellington to Raumati in the event roads and rail are destroyed.

About 140 people took part in the last event, Franklin said.

‘‘I did it and I was 78, it was certainly a good challenge. The first day was hard enough but the second was rough.

‘‘I had a heart attack last year so I may not walk both days this time but I will be involved ... I’ll probably do the second day.’’

‘‘You’d be thrilled if you completed it. You’ll be hanging out for a chardonnay or a rose when you’ve finished.’’

Project manager Andrew Laing said almost all of the entrants in the 2014 event finished the walk and some changes have been made this year.

‘‘The walks still won’t be easy, but it is certainly doable and the better prepared people are the more comfortabl­e they will be.’’

‘‘Commuters were able to test the contents of their emergency kits including their shoes, clothing, sustenance and medication, as well as their personal ability.’’

The walk will take place no matter the weather because real disasters don’t pick nice days, he said.

Walkers should have comfort- able walking shoes, a weatherpro­of top and hat, water and snacks. Everyone should also carry a mobile phone.

Drink stations would be provided along the way, but the walk should be a test of self-sufficienc­y, he said.

Participan­ts will assemble at Wellington Railway Station at 8am on Saturday, November 5, for an 8.15am briefing and the 8.30am start.

The walk will be split into two parts. On the first day a 24km trek to Ngatitoa Domain at Mana then on Sunday the second 24km leg to Raumati Beach Gardens.

People are asked to enter online at enteronlin­e.co.nz

 ??  ?? Could you walk from Wellington to Kapiti if a disaster struck?
Could you walk from Wellington to Kapiti if a disaster struck?

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