Kapi-Mana News

Plan for waspfree Wellington


A plan to eradicate wasps in Wellington will start with laying out bait over 100 hectares at Pauatahanu­i.

The Pest-Free Pauatahanu­i group and epidemiolo­gist Leigh Corner are aiming to do a trial run at Pauatahanu­i in early March, and are hoping it will lead to a wider rollout in 2019.

Group spokeswoma­n Joanne Cross said wasps were a leading pest, consuming massive amounts of honey dew and native insects.

The trial follows a Wasp Wipeout campaign led by Stuff, in partnershi­p with DOC and the Tasman Environmen­tal Trust, in which community groups, business sponsors and many others have raised more than $55,000 towards eradicatin­g german and common wasps in and around Nelson.

The Pauatahanu­i trial will involve using meat-based bait Vespex, containing the insecticid­e fipronil, which will be deployed from 21 bait stations.

‘‘This bait is targeted at wasps and is not attractive to bees or people as it is used to control fleas on pets and insects on food crops,’’ Cross said.

‘‘Wasps take the bait back to their nests to feed their young and the queen, wiping out the nest.

‘‘This method means rather than just one nest many will be destroyed as wasps roam widely.

‘‘But it is only effective at certain times of the year when wasps are eating protein.’’

New Zealand has some of the highest densities of german and common wasps in the world, which are a nuisance to forestry gangs, tourists, and campers.

But, perhaps more importantl­y, they consume massive amounts of honey dew, particu- larly in beech forests, which is an important food for native birds, bats, insects and lizards.

The eradicatio­n trial will involve a wasp activity test to measure wasp numbers, then a bait period of 3-8 days and a follow up activity test to determine the success.

‘‘The bait is placed inside a small triangular station one metre above ground and safely out of reach of curious pets and children,’’ Cross said.

The ultimate goal - funding permitted - would be to extend the trial around Wellington.

‘‘We understand Nelson have managed this on a fairly small budget, and we want to see if we can go in the same direction.’’

Pest Free Pauatahanu­i will have informatio­n available at the Battle Hill Farm Day from 10am to 2pm on Jan 21. Contact Joanne Cross on 04 237 7666 or crossandco@xtra.co.nz

 ??  ?? The days of wasps in Wellington could be numbered.
The days of wasps in Wellington could be numbered.

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