Kapiti News

Are you up to help?


In reply to Jim Simons’ June 6 ‘Up for What?’

Are you up for helping the Waikanae Estuary Care Group at the nursery or weeding the plants in the estuary or help planting?

Are you up for lobbying DoC to control the rabbit numbers?

Are you up for lobbying DoC for better signage to inform people that dogs must be on leads while in the Scientific Reserve?

Are you up for challengin­g DoC’s decision to allow section owners to garden on scientific reserve land using plants that are not eco sourced?

Are you up for lobbying the minister of conservati­on to resource funds for putting the boundary fence on the correct boundary of the scientific reserve so that section owners are not able to garden on the scientific reserve?

Are you up for putting in a submission to KCDC on the problem of vehicles on the inner Estuary disturbing bird life and nesting birds?

During the white baiting season I have counted over 40 vehicles on the estuary.

Are you up for getting involved with caring for the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve and helping to enhance it?

More importantl­y is the community up for getting involved with this very special place? CLAIRE JONES


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