Kapiti News

Airline subsidy annoys


I am astounded and somewhat irritated that within just a few months of Air New Zealand cancelling flights out of Paraparaum­u, the mayor and KCDC have announced that they have found money to subsidise Air Chathams in their endeavour to provide a service to Auckland so quickly. This happens while thousands of ratepayers are still upset, annoyed and disadvanta­ged about the lack of an efficient roadside recycling service for which, we were told, a subsidy was not available. No doubt the view by the council is that the airline will add prestige to the district . . . better to have a Rolls in your driveway than worry about the little old lady struggling with a bin down hers! I’m sure too that the KCDC voted for the subsidy because they will certainly be among the ones using the airline for various meetings and junkets in Auckland. Now don’t get me wrong. I am in full support of Air Chathams providing the service but there’s something not quite right here isn’t there when there is no money for bread but there is for a bottle of Moet!



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