Kapiti News

Waikanae estuary degraded


Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve, promoted internatio­nally as a showcase for marine and bird life, is being degraded, according to an unpublicis­ed report commission­ed by Greater Wellington Regional Council.

Far from being “pristine” for the environmen­tal and ecological values claimed by the Department of Conservati­on, the reserve’s condition only rates as “moderate”, with serious adverse effects reported for fish spawning and bird habitat.

The three-year-old report came to light during research by the recently-formed Waikanae Estuary Whitebaite­rs Network into unsubstant­iated claims by DOC that whitebaite­r vehicles on the beach harm shellfish, bird life, and people.

Network spokesmen Rakauotear­oa Te Maipi and Chris Turver say a broad scale habitat mapping report by scientists Leigh Stevens and Barry Robertson shows Waikanae estuary in only a moderate state due to habitat loss, smothering siltation, excessive nutrients from runoff and disease risk.

The causes singled out include residentia­l developmen­t around the perimeter and associated drainage, flood and erosion protection measures, drainage of wetland areas, channelisa­tion of streams, and the cutting of tidal flows to the northern end of the reserve arm of the estuary which “significan­tly adversely impacts on native fish spawning and bird habitat”.

The Department of Conservati­on is responsibl­e for managing the scientific reserve, the Ka¯ piti Coast District Council for residentia­l developmen­t and drainage, and Greater Wellington Regional Council for flood and erosion protection.

The report says based on the current level of sediment deposit the upper estuary is expected to infill rapidly and become muddier and less diverse.

The report’s conclusion is that “such conditions limit food availabili­ty for fish and birdlife and show the ability of the estuary to assimilate sediment loads is currently exceeded”.

The Whitebait Network spokesmen say the degradatio­n of the estuary is an indictment on the management of the reserve and makes the movement of whitebaite­r vehicles on the beach pale into insignific­ance.

“It’s not whitebaite­rs who cause problems but significan­t modificati­ons to the estuary by the very agencies which are charged with protecting the environmen­t.”

They say many thousands of people, including whitebaite­rs, have been led to believe DOC publicity that the scientific reserve is an internatio­nal showcase for conservati­on and environmen­tal values and must be protected at all costs.

“In reality it appears it is being allowed to smother and die through inaction by the authoritie­s.”

The spokesmen have called on Conservati­on Minister Eugenie Sage to investigat­e how her department has allowed the reported level of degradatio­n to occur and to withdraw the designatio­n of “scientific reserve” until it justifies the title.

They say but for the valiant efforts of unpaid local environmen­tal care groups the reserve would be in a worse condition.

Department of Conservati­on Ka¯ piti Wellington operations manager Jack Mace responds:

The report mentioned by Mr Turver confirms that Waikanae Estuary is a nationally significan­t wetland habitat — one of very few in the southweste­rn North Island. More than 60 species of birds breed there, and more wild birds visit it than any other area in the Wellington region.

Developmen­t since the 1960s has transforme­d land around the estuary from coastal wilderness to suburbs.

In the 1970s the Waimeha swamp was drained and whitebait spawning grounds were lost.

Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve was establishe­d in 1987, with the help of concerned locals, to protect the remaining area. Previous degradatio­n can’t be undone, but we can and will protect what’s left.

Threats to the delicate coastal environmen­t — and to people’s enjoyment of it — do include vehicles on beaches.

“That activity is illegal. DOC works with dedicated local volunteers on weeding and restoratio­n planting in the reserve, which shows how local people value this place.

■ Continued on Page 11.

 ?? PHOTO / DAVID HAXTON ?? Part of the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve.
PHOTO / DAVID HAXTON Part of the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve.

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