Kapiti News

Anzac Day a time to reflect on veterans


Anzac Day is a time to reflect on what veterans have achieved for New Zealand and acknowledg­e our current defence force who continue to do us proud in many internatio­nal operations.

This year will be 104 years since that awful battle in Gallipoli, that took the lives of nearly 2800 brave New Zealanders.

It was a privilege and honour for me to visit Gallipoli in 2012 as minister for veterans affairs. I will never forget seeing the exposed beaches where Kiwi soldiers landed and the massive cliff faces and gullies they had to try to climb in battle. The close proximity of our trenches to the Turks meant the slaughter of thousands of good men was inevitable. It was a sombre experience.

Our soldiers (combined with the Australian forces) have a fine tradition of courage and determinat­ion despite the odds being stacked against us. That Anzac spirit will never be forgotten and is seen every Anzac Day with younger generation­s proudly wearing their relatives medals to acknowledg­e the immense sacrifices they made.

I will be paying my respects at the Otaki ¯ dawn service, followed by the Manakau community event, Levin’s war veterans service and speaking at Levin’s cenotaph at 10.30am.

It’s also a special year for Levin’s RSA as they celebrate 100 years. Over the weekend of May 10 they have many events planned including a parade, Anzac biscuit baking, and static displays of military vehicles. I’m sure it will be a great community event.

I look forward to seeing many of you at these local events. It’s a time to reflect but also come together as a proud nation.

Lest we forget.

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