Kapiti News

Selling a Business

- Www.nikaufound­ation.org.nz

One of the consequenc­es of the baby boom is that there is a raft of people all wanting to sell their businesses at about the same time to fund their retirement. There are a number of reasons why people set up their own business. Some do it for the lifestyle and independen­ce, some want to build as much wealth as possible, others find it the best way to create employment for themselves and others. Whatever your motivation in setting up a business, there always needs to be a plan to sell it so as to maximise its value. For a lot of small business owners, the bulk of their retirement capital is tied up in the business.

When you have worked hard to build up a business it can be hard to face the prospect of letting go. However, with age comes a natural decline in your ability to keep on top of things and to deal with change. Both of these things can affect profit and value. Your bargaining power also diminishes the closer you are to letting go. In the last few years before selling the focus should be on increasing the value of the business to a buyer.

Selling can involve some complex decisions. Perhaps there is a son or daughter who would like to take it over. This raises the issue of how to sell the business at an affordable price, while ensuring fairness with other family members and releasing enough money for your retirement. Employees are possible purchasers but may require help with funding. Otherwise, put together the key informatio­n on the business in a marketing document and send it far and wide to possible purchasers. Whatever you do, don’t leave it until the last minute to plan your sale. There’s too much at stake!

Liz Koh is an Authorised Financial Adviser. The advice given here is general and does not constitute specific advice to any person. A disclosure statement can be obtained free of charge by calling 0800 273 847. For free eBooks, go to www.moneymax.co.nz and www.moneymaxco­ach.com

“Please join me in becoming a Nikau Kapiti

Fund Founder Donor”

- Liz Koh

The special appeal of this type of fund is that the capital is invested and only the income is distribute­d so funds can be given out every year, forever. Income will go to Kapiti charities so donors will know that they are helping their local community in perpetuity.

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