Kapiti News


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We never tire of yarns from wild terrain and Paul Kilgour delivers a great bush t. narrative perfect for holiday time. n, per“sGone, iBush iis about a lifetime, of y are walkiing the lbackcount­ry. It tells of. Within eccentric characters he met along the way, lsom. e of the 1200lhuts he visited, and his mostiunfo,rgettable jo, urneys, includin. g his ‘long walk home’ from deepest Fiordlaind to th.e top of Golden Bay. It’s about the tpowerful effects of being in the natural environmen­t, doing what matters and ng iliving a.uthentical­ly. It’s like setting off on a serene hike in the mountains, heavy frost underfoot and the , sun on your back.” ws you into these stories from yesteryear; from the first pioneers and the daunting

y faced, the journey through t e g era ons, to the inspiratio­nal story of the current owners, Han and Jenny Klisser. The photograph­y is stunning, the historic photos captivatin­g, the stories compelling. It’s a book all New Zealanders will be proud to take home.

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