Kapiti News

Site blessing paves way for build


A ceremony to clear the way for work to begin on the new Ō taki reservoir was held last week.

“The ceremony, ¯or whakawatea, led by Ngā Hapu ō Otaki, recognised the land’s ongoing role in sustaining its community,” Kā piti District Mayor Janet Holborow said.

“In days gone by, mana whenua gathered food from this area. Then the land was farmed and now it will support a drinking-water reservoir.

“The ceremony also acknowledg­ed the workers who will build the reservoir and wished them a safe project.”

Works on the reservoir began last week, and the first stage involved clearing the area and building earth bunds, which helped screen the reservoir.

The next stage, constructi­on of

the reservoir foundation­s, is expected to be completed before the end of the year.

Constructi­on of the foundation pad and then the main tank will begin in early 2024.

In February, installati­on of the pipes from the reservoir site to the County Rd pump station will begin.

All going to plan, the reservoir will

be up and running in late 2024.

The council is working with a group of interested community members to develop a planting plan for the reservoir site.

The guiding principle of the planting is to have native trees to help screen the reservoir and attract birds to the area.

The new reservoir will improve the resilience and firefighti­ng capability of the water supply as well as support existing and future homes in Ō taki.

It will also provide more water storage for emergency purposes.

Over the next six years, Kāpiti Coast District Council will deliver $50 million¯ of infrastruc­ture upgrades in Otaki.

This work is supported by $29.3 million from the Government’s Infrastruc­ture Accelerati­on Fund and is designed to improve our community’s resilience and support present and future housing needs.

 ?? ?? A ceremony was held at the new Otaki ¯ reservoir last week.
A ceremony was held at the new Otaki ¯ reservoir last week.

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