Kapiti News

Take up a new hobby like watercolou­r painting

- Writes Kem Ormond

day class. what Watercolou­r A enjoying few I It needed was weeks so a on watercolou­r easy, ago painting line, I spent just paints, ordered a painting whole paper and day.I brushes met new and people turned ,learnt up on various the aspects of watercolou­r painting and proudly arrived home with the result from my day.

The best thing with watercolou­r painting is that you do not need to know how to paint . . . yes, you have read correctly. You will be amazed how the paint seems to take over and do the work for you. What exactly is watercolou­r painting

It is great for learning and developing other artistic skills. Being non-toxic, makes it a popular and safe medium to use. Watercolou­r painting is a wonderful way to express one’s artistic mind and it is not very costly and provides a beautiful finish overall. Watercolou­r paper

Watercolou­r artworks are usually created on paper. Therefore, paper quality, texture, and thickness are also critical painting. paints could lead when when Too the painting it much paper comes water to on to tear. light watercolou­r in your paper Pigments Artists usually and add Gouache an opaque pigment to watercolou­rs like lead white or body colours, also known as gouache. This method allows artists to create works with less transparen­cy and greater colour intensity. If like me, you will be amazed by the intensity of some of the watercolou­rs, they are like stunning. Want to start? Proper art supplies

You will learn all about this if you register to attend say a community education class in your area, plus a specialty art supplies shop will also be able to assist you.

Having the right tools in your toolkit makes a world of difference. Using quality materials is essential to give you results that you will be happy with. Paint:

Watercolou­r paint comes in both tubes but brand, and vibrant. crackly smooth, Brushes: make the and it and Low colour even will sure pans. chalky quality make colour. you palette You such versus buy paint can is a a often use good having difference can either become more quality

as A brush, small, A you few a try medium, key flat to brush, types achieve and of and brushes different large a mop round will results. brush help is created a great for way an to intended start. Each purpose. brush is

never Buy regret good it. quality The last brushes, thing you you will want are for the bristles to start coming out and falling onto your painting. Paper

It is essential that you use proper watercolou­r paper. Paper comes in a sheet, a pad, a block or a roll. I use a pad that is lightly glued on all four sides. You can easily separate these pages when you have done your painting, but the advantage with this type of pad is that the pages stay nice and tight while painting.

There are three main types of watercolou­r Cold watercolou­r or because Cold Press Press they and paper. artists watercolou­r are Rough absorbent tend Hot Press. Press, to paper, use and Most Rough have a nice Other ridged/textured equipment you look will and need feel.

Get all your equipment out before you start, it will make it much easier.

Paper towels are going to be one of your best friends on your watercolou­r painting journey, so keep plenty on hand. You will use it to clean your brush, dab your brush, and dab the paper as you work.

A painting palette is essential for watercolou­r colours, mix before add applying painting water, and paint so get you to the can your right mix paper.

Scratch paper is helpful to test your shades and water-to-paint ratio before moving to your final piece.

Masking or painter tape is a great tool to use to tape off your borders and make clean edges to frame your painting. Make sure your edges are sealed tightly so paint does not seep through.

Retirement might be the end of your working life, but it can be when all the adventures begin!

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