Kapiti News

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- ŴŴŴħŕĻrAEr÷ÕrĻħ‘Čþ


<Ŷ þagniAEice­nt Balkans dventŧre with ZraAEalgar Zoŧrs hoġêscotch­ed across seven coŧntriesž with þost heartland destinatio­ns being þanŶ þiles AEroþ the seaħ Bŧt

Border checkġoint­s carried their own coþedic idiosŶncra­siesħ <Ŷ ZraAEalgar travel directorž ZaþþŶž was a seasoned ġro at helġing to lŧbricate the wheels oAE oAEAEicial­doþž tailoring her checkġoint overtŧres to their resġective tastesħ

lbanian border gŧards ġreAEerred candŶž the Bosnians were ġartial to graġeAErŧi­t óŧicež Bŧlgarians took kindlŶ to cash while the

lthoŧgh roatia is the driaticķs biggest beach babež

Zhere are coastal boltêholes galorež like the lŧŵŧrŶ islet Sveti SteAEan ¼ once the seclŧded holidaŶ ġlaŶgroŧnd oAE screen goddesses inclŧding

+tķs easŶ to see whŶ Sveti SteAEan graces global þagaźine coversħ redêrooAEe­d tangle oAE irregŧlarl­Ŷ shaġed whitewashe­d stone villas is sŧsġended above tŧrīŧoise seaž edged bŶ a ġinkêsand beachħ Pŧssian oligarchs canķt get enoŧgh oAE itħ


Bŧdvaķs Stari #rad is as idŶllic as old towns getž with an ŧnbeatable seaside locationž where þarble streets and henetian walls óŧt oŧt oAE iridescent watersž while the itadel oAEAEers ŧġ þoŧthêwate­ring viewsħ =icknaþed a ĵþiniê ŧbrovnikķž the coþġarison is a little ŧnAEairħ Sŧrroŧnded bŶ ĕËthêcentŧ­rŶ raþġartsž encasing labŶrinthi­ne lanesž sþall sīŧares and gorgeoŧs giAEt stores and art galleriesž itķs verŶ þŧch its own beastž riġe AEor eŵġloratio­nħ

Bŧr hotel in Bŧdvaž +berostar Slavióaž is a swankŶ new oAEAEeringž ġarticŧlar­lŶ ġoġŧlar with Serbiaķs beaŧtiAEŧl ġeoġle and Ŷoŧng ġroAEessio­nals cherishing a cheekŶ coastal getawaŶħ Zhe rooAEêtoġ sŧn deck is the cherrŶ on toġž with a salivating inAEinitŶ ġool to drink in the ġanoraþic ocean vistasħ

s the sŧn began to lowerž + headed back across the road to the golden sands oAE bŧsŶ Slovenska beachž to savoŧr a Balkan beach sŧnset in the sŧltrŶ twilight warþthħ

ie also ventŧred to nearbŶ 5otorž an oġeratical­lŶ beaŧtiAEŧl townž wedged between brooding þoŧntains and a þoodŶ corner oAE the baŶž in ŧroġeķs soŧthernþo­st AEiordħ Zhe soaring ġeaks cŧrve awaŶ AEroþ the baŶž like draþatic waves þade solid þidêcŧrlħ

5otorķs stoic citŶ walls that reach back to the ćth centŧrŶ arch steeġlŶ ŧġ the sloġes behind the townž sġanning nearlŶ Ëkþ in lengthħ

=eed to toġêŧġ Ŷoŧr dailŶ steġsĬ scend the ĕŢžžþêhigh AEortiAEic­ationsž on a thighê slicing hikež clocking ŧġ ĕřËž steġs to reach the toġž where castle rŧins and chaġels add to the adventŧreħ

3ŧst inside 5otorķs Sea #atež the Sīŧare oAE rþs is hoþe to a ġictŧreêġe­rAEect ĕŊth centŧrŶ clock towerħ

St ZrŶġhonķs athedral is 5otorķs glorioŧs Poþanesīŧe­ê#othic liþestone þasterġiec­ež now sġorting baroīŧe bell towersž aAEter the original AErontage was destroŶed in the ĕŎŎŊ earthīŧake­ħ Pelics oAE the citŶķs ġatron saint rest insideħ

St 7ŧkaķs chŧrch is a charþerž tooħ onstrŧcted in ĕĕË˞ this Brthodoŵ chŧrch is a Poþanesīŧe sŧrvivorž þiracŧloŧs­lŶ reþaining standing desġite disastroŧs earthīŧake­s and warsħ

5otor briþs with sþall ġastrŶ shoġsž which þaŶ well eŵġlain its instant sedŧction on þeħ Head to aAEev "orźa in the Sīŧare oAE rþsž where the crowds īŧeŧe here AEor

ZraAEalgar­ķs aþaźing Balkan dventŧre is a ĕÑêdaŶ toŧrž sġanning seven coŧntries and ĕř citiesħ nóoŶ eŵcellent AEoŧrêstar accoþþodat­ionž eŵtensive sightseein­gž sġecialist gŧidesž sŧġerêcoþA­EŶ coach travel with onêboard iiê"iž ġlŧs þost þeals are inclŧdedħ +tķs a hassleêAEr­ee waŶ to eŵġlore this eŶeêoġenin­g ġart oAE the worldħ "or ŢžŢÑ toŧr datesž ġrices start AEroþ «Ë·ćË ġer ġersonž twin shareħ

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÷Č‘õŴìł¯ AEĻČþ r…Čų¯ž ŕå¯ …¯÷÷ ŕČŴ¯Ļł ČAE Tŕ ZĻŶġåČăĺł ìă 5ČŕČĻʼn ŕå¯ rŶ ČAE 5ČŕČĻ AEĻČþ ŕå¯ AEČĻŕìAEì‘rŕìČăłʼn ŕå¯ Č÷ ‘ìŕŶ ČAE ŧ ųr AEĻČþ r…Čų¯ʼn ÷ră¯ł ìă ŧ ųrķł TŕrĻì #Ļr ʼn ìăAEìăìŕŶ ġČČ÷ rŕ ŕå¯ łŴrăõŶ +…¯ĻČłŕrĻ T÷rųìór åČŕ¯÷ ìă ŧ ųrʼn <Čł‘ČŴ ‘rõ¯ ìł ł¯Ļų¯ ŧġ rŕ rAĒ "ČĻźrħ
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ŧ ųr ìł rł ì Ŷ÷÷ì‘ rł Č÷ ŕČŴăł Õ¯ŕʼn ġìăõê åŧ¯ łră ł ÷¯r ŕČ ŕå¯ ÷ŧŵŧĻŶ ìł÷¯ŕ ČAE Tų¯ŕì Tŕ¯AErăʼn ŕå¯ TīŧrĻ¯ ČAE Ļþł ìă 5ČŕČĻħ
÷Č‘õŴìł¯ AEĻČþ þrìăž TŕrĻì #Ļr ìă ŧ ųr ìł rł ì Ŷ÷÷ì‘ rł Č÷ ŕČŴăł Õ¯ŕʼn ġìăõê åŧ¯ łră ł ÷¯r ŕČ ŕå¯ ÷ŧŵŧĻŶ ìł÷¯ŕ ČAE Tų¯ŕì Tŕ¯AErăʼn ŕå¯ TīŧrĻ¯ ČAE Ļþł ìă 5ČŕČĻħ

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