Kapiti News

What is meant by cruciferou­s vegetables?

- Writes Kem Ormond body healthy.

Cfrom. ruciferous vegetables belong to

the genus Brassica. They are called cruciferou­s because their four-petaled flowers look like a crucifix, or a cross. And their rich colors are an indication of just how nutrient-packed they are. Can you guess which vegetables I am referring to?

You could say they are the nightmare of children. . . all the food children do not seem to like when they are young. As one of my grandchild­ren continuall­y reminds me, “I am allergic to broccoli, cauli and Brussels sprouts, so can’t possibly have any of those on my plate.”

Cruciferou­s veggies are a diverse group that includes broccoli, cauliflowe­r, cabbage, kale, Bok choy, arugula, Brussels sprouts, collards, watercress, and radishes. They are vegetables that you can use various parts

It is said, the deeper the colour, the more nutrient dense it is. For example, spinach contains more vitamins and minerals than cos lettuce.

Health benefits

Do you remember your parents saying, “Eat up your greens, they are good for you”

Cruciferou­s vegetables contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, C, E and K, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They also contain essential trace minerals, such as iron, selenium, copper, manganese and zinc.

They are a great source of fibre but for some people, eating large amounts can cause gas and bloating.

Cruciferou­s vegetables can have a strong, bitter taste and combining boiling or steaming them to within an inch of their lives, makes for a very unappealin­g plate of food! Luckily new varieties now on the market have been grown to reduce that bitterness. Plus, I think we have got more adventurou­s with cooking these vegetables, so they are far more appealing.

So many of these vegetables can be used in salads, enjoy having spices added to them, love to be awash in dressings and even whizzed up and turned into a completely different looking vegetable, such as cauliflowe­r rice! Many of them are delicious roasted with additions of bacon pieces and feta cheese.

What quantity of vegetables do I need daily

Unless you have a health condition that says different, two and a half cups of vegetables daily is a good healthy number of vegetables to consume, both cruciferou­s and regular.

Even through cruciferou­s vegetables are good for you, remember they are just part of the equation. You need to enjoy a variety of fruit and vegetables to get all the minerals and vitamins that you need to keep your

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