Kapiti News

Bold plan to meet net zero target

Kā piti Coast District Council strategy, operations and finance chairwoman Sophie Handford outlines a paradigm shift in council’s commitment to climate change


In the face of the climate crisis, our community stands at a pivotal moment. The decisions we make today will shape the future of Kā piti and have the potential to reverberat­e far beyond our district. The recent approval of an aspiration­al districtwi­de emissions reduction target of net zero by 2040 is a testament to our commitment to a low-emissions, resilient, and climate-just future.

This aspiration­al goal, endorsed by the climate and environmen­t subcommitt­ee before reaching the strategy, operations and finance committee, signifies a paradigm shift in our approach.

We mihi to the locals on our Climate Change and Resilience Community Think Tank. Their expertise and energy continues to be invaluable in charting a course toward achieving this target, and we will further engage with the community to ensure a collaborat­ive and inclusive implementa­tion plan.

A direction of travel document will be brought to you all early next year, to begin conversati­ons about the practical actions we take to meet the target and hard numbers (both dollars and emissions reduction impact) that sit behind them. The decision to set a net zero target is more than just symbolic; it is a decisive step toward realising a multitude of co-benefits for our community. Beyond the environmen­tal impact, climate action brings about greener communitie­s, reduced congestion, enhanced social connectivi­ty, and positive health outcomes. It’s an investment in our wellbeing and the wellbeing of future generation­s. However, we must be mindful that our aspiration­al goals hinge on our actions to meet them. The target is not merely a statement; it is a call to embrace the opportunit­ies inherent in transforma­tional change and more investment in our cycleways, walkways, and bridleways network, renewable energy generation and the restoratio­n of native ngā here, to name a few. By doing so, we not only mitigate the impacts of climate change but also set a powerful example for others to follow.

The Kā piti Coast District Council holds levers that can drive change, but our role extends beyond mere governance. Advocacy plays a crucial part in realising our goals. We must advocate to Greater Wellington Regional Council on public transport and to central government for a funding model that empowers local government and communitie­s, enabling us to take bold steps.

The approval of the net zero by 2040 target is a milestone, but it is just the beginning. Let us not only set ambitious goals but work collective­ly to surpass them. Together, we can create a Kā piti that not only survives but thrives in the face of the climate crisis — a beacon of inspiratio­n for communitie­s everywhere. The time for action is now. Our commitment today will shape the legacy we leave for future generation­s.

 ?? ?? Sophie Handford.
Sophie Handford.

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