Kapiti News

Kāpiti adopts regional plan for reducing waste


Kāpiti Coast District Council has adopted a plan to reduce waste in the district, as well as the Wellington region, over the next six years.

The council unanimousl­y adopted the Wellington Region Waste Management and Minimisati­on Plan 2023-2029 (WMMP) at its final meeting last year.

The updated plan set out a pathway for everyone in the region to work together to care for our resources, create less waste and make the area a greater place to call home.

The eight councils in the region, Masterton, Carterton, South Wairarapa, Upper Hutt, Hutt City, Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti, developed the plan together to ensure a consistent regional approach to reducing waste.

The plan is reviewed every six years as part of a legal requiremen­t under the Waste Minimisati­on Act 2008.

The council’s variable annual waste levy funding from the Government, of about $500,000, relies on them meeting this requiremen­t.

The plan was consulted on with the community in August, then recommende­d for adoption by the Wellington Region Waste Management and Minimisati­on joint committee in early December.

It must be adopted by each council before it is finalised.

Councillor Martin Halliday has been representi­ng Kāpiti on the joint committee and commended the plan, saying it had been great to see councils taking a unified approach to dealing with rubbish and recycling across the region.

“Minimising waste is important work that moves us towards a healthier environmen­t and reduces greenhouse gas emissions to help mitigate climate change, while making our region a great place to live, play and work.”

Regional targets in the WMMP include reducing the total amount of material going to landfill by 30 per cent by 2030.

Under the regional plan, each council has its own local action plan.

Kāpiti Coast District Council’s local action plan outlines 17 actions.

The focus is on moving away from simply managing waste to reducing, recycling, reusing, repairing, and repurposin­g materials.

Halliday noted the importance of us all taking ownership of our own “environmen­tal footprint” as we tackle this important issue together.

“It’s no longer okay to simply consume and dump.

“We want to help our district shift to a low-carbon way of life. This includes applying circular economy principles where we use our resources more thoughtful­ly, both to care for the environmen­t and reduce ratepayer waste disposal costs by repurposin­g materials for valuable uses elsewhere.”

Read about the Wellington Region Waste Management and Minimisati­on Plan and Kāpiti Coast’s local action plan at www.kapiticoas­t. govt.nz/wmmp.

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