Kapiti News

Kā piti Heritage clue hunt

Can you solve the mystery set out by local museums


Calling all budding detectives and those needing something to do over Wellington’s anniversar­y weekend. The Discover Kāpiti Heritage Group needs your help.

After holding a very successful clue hunt event over the long weekend last year, nine museums in Kāpiti have clues that need to be solved.

“We need people to hunt for a clue in each museum, to be in to win one of four epic prize packs,” chairman Allan Carley said.

“By finding the answers to all nine clues, those participat­ing in the event receive nine entries into the draw to win one of the prize packs.

“But for those that only have time to find some of the clues, that’s okay, they’ll get an entry into the prize draw for each correct clue answer they find.”

The clue hunt will begin at any of the nine participat­ing Kāpiti Coast museums, where entry forms (containing the clues) are available.

The participat­ing museums are: Ō taki Heritage in Ō taki,

The Kilns at Te Horo, Toi Mahara Art Gallery in Waikanae, Kā piti Coast Museum in Waikanae, Southward Car Museum in Otaihanga, the Museum of Aviation in Paraparaum­u, Paekākārik­i Station Museum, Wellington Tramway Museum and Kāpiti US Marines Trust in Paekākārik­i. Entry boxes will be available to submit your entry forms.

Up for grabs is the “Family Fun in Kāpiti” prize pack, through which families can enjoy a range of Kāpiti-based activities together valued at $661.

The “Let’s Do in Kā piti” prize pack offers some great places to visit and is valued at $627.

The winner of the “Let’s Go in Kāpiti” prize pack will enjoy further places of interest in Kāpiti and is valued at $589. A mini-shopping spree is also up for grabs with the “Let’s Shop in Kāpiti” prize pack, valued at $450.

“That’s a total prize pool of over $2300.

“This free event is designed with families in mind, offering a fun and exciting activity to showcase the history and heritage of the Kāpiti Coast and promote some of the local businesses who have kindly donated the prizes for the prize packs.

“The Kāpiti Coast Heritage Group are also grateful to the Kāpiti Coast District Council for their support and sponsorshi­p of this event.

“Pop this event in your diary and tell your family and friends about it.”

For more informatio­n and prize draw terms and conditions, visit www.kapitiheri­tage. org.nz.

 ?? ?? An artwork by Ernest Papps.
An artwork by Ernest Papps.

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