Kapiti News

New community patrol car

Kā piti Community Patrol’s new vehicle got an official unveiling recently


An official unveiling at Kia Kāpiti showed off Kāpiti Community Patrol’s new vehicle. The reveal was attended by members of the patrol and representa­tives of the community, with local community board members Glen Olsen and Karl Webber, Wellington Free Ambulance’s Rachel Evans, and previous Kāpiti Community Patrol chair Peter Bain.

Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby and Sergeant Jake Attwood thanked the patrol for their efforts and commitment to helping to keep the community safe. A few days after the official launch, Koro Don Te Maipi blessed the vehicle and Webber performed a waiata.

The patrol’s chair, Riaan de Bruyn, said plans for a new vehicle have been in the pipeline for several years.

“We would like to acknowledg­e the hard work of patrollers, past and present, and acknowledg­e the grants from various charities and local community boards which have made it possible to reach our goal.

“The safety of our community and our patrollers is paramount and this new vehicle ticks all the boxes to enable us to continue patrolling for many years to come,” he said.

The patrol would like to thank: the Lion Foundation, the major sponsor of the vehicle; Kelly and Daniel Gordon and Kyle James at Kia Kāpiti for the assistance in helping find the right vehicle and committing to ongoing support; Nathan Wood from Creative Signs Co. for work on the vehicle’s signage; Paraparaum­u Auto Electrical for installati­on of the lightbar; Ian Williams from Relish Cafe Waikanae for catering the launch event, and Te Rakauoteor­a Te Maipi (Koro Don), Karl Webber and Manawhenua Te Ā tiawa for advice on wording on the vehicle and for gifting the patrol a kō hatu from Kāpiti Island.

 ?? ?? Creative Signs’ Nathan Wood, Riaan de Bruyn, Kia Kā piti’s Kyle James, Kia Kā piti’s Daniel and Kelly Gordon, Raumati Community Board’s Karl Webber, Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby, and Sergeant Jake Attwood.
Creative Signs’ Nathan Wood, Riaan de Bruyn, Kia Kā piti’s Kyle James, Kia Kā piti’s Daniel and Kelly Gordon, Raumati Community Board’s Karl Webber, Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby, and Sergeant Jake Attwood.

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