Kapiti News

CWomomrkui ngity ToGgroewth­ther


February As I look around is now with the Kapiti us, and Coast one

I see many house building sites,

month of the New Year has already

and larger developmen­ts. Changes

gone! After much discussion and

to the District Plan and building nregoutlia­attiion s , iw n e rencoe w nthyaeva e rs a hnaevwe Gmoavedr e nim tp eons t, sicbo le bb to leb d utio ld gemthuelt r ipbley throem e eveurn y itd s ioffe n rseinte t spwolhitii­ch al wpearretie­s. previously only oneresiden­ce

The coalition agreements have

properties. Apartment and townrehsou­ulste e d co in mspiglenxi­efic s aan re tu innvraavri­eolulins gof thst e agpere s voio f uc s onGsotrvue­crtniomne , ntat’k s inpgolicie­s in fuhllea r lathd , veadnutacg­a e tion f , thtax t astciaor n ceand lac w omanm d oodritdye : rl . aIn t dh.as all been a field day for the media.

It will be interestin­g to receive

Tphr e ojmecotsio t ntr s afurom m atit c hech2a0n2g 3 e Caepnpseua­srs to whea n ve thbey en areACmTa ’s de inatrvoadi­luabclteio.n

Three years ago a BERL report for

of a Bill to redefine the principles

the Kapiti Coast District Council

of the Treaty of Waitangi. If the

indicated that Kapiti’s population inot f e5n5ti,o0 n 0w 0 aw s o to ul“d pgorko e wthb e y b4e0a%r”, th to en 77 it ,0h0 as 0ciner2ta0­i5n0 ly . wAo t r a kreadti! oof3 Wpaeiotapn le gi pw er ehekoeunse d hsoald w ,t hhua i t amndeans

about 7,000 more homes will

much debate about the partnershi­p

be required to house everyone.

between Māori and the Crown, and

Economic jolts from Covid and hdoe w mta o nm ds ove e lsfeowrwhe­ar e d rwesitu h ltfiani g rnferosms.

weather events will undoubtedl­y

We seem again to be at a critical

affect availabili­ty of workers.

point regarding Te Tiriti o Waitangi. TAhlesro e ,a is mmaujoc r h sidginscif­uicsasnio t n inf to luebn e chead ambouus tt shu e refloyubn e dsinh g ordtaogceu s maenndt of our nhaitgiohn­e . r Hproic w es moa f nm y aot f euri s alh s a in ve thread constructi­on industry.

Te Tiriti? If so, do we understand

The growth of our community

the difference­s in interpreta­tion

will require more community bfeatcwile­iteie n s. tM he orT er Recer o eatnio d n Eanregalis,h vpearsrkio­sn ,a sr ? ts Wahn y d dt o utrhis e t Catotruarc ts tiohnasve to wik ll ebe e p nweoerdkei­nd g .O to ni e ntseurcp h rea t mtheenity is the Whale Song project. I was

Treaty? Communicat­ion is vital to

fortunate to hear a presentati­on

help clear up difference­s and get

this week on the progress of this uh s uagl e lw proorjkeic­nt g w in hitchh e wsia ll mcr e eadti e retchteion.

largest bronze sculptures in the

There are some who ascribe

world, and which will be placed in

to the view that “we’re all New

the centre of Kapiti for to see. ZTehail s aanldoenre s” wailn lb d e th a em re ajsoh r otuolu d ribste na o ttsrapcetc­ioian l , tbreriantg­mine g nt ofuot r siMdeāro s rf i. roOmn thN e ewothZ er alhaann d da , nit d ’s overr y sedai s ffiicnu to lt the area.

to have such an egalitaria­n view when so many instances of moral,

I encourage everyone to view the

ethical and legal wrongs have

Whale Song display in Coastlands, bte o eg n es t uaff n eirdee d a bo y fh Moāworb i ig thtrhoeugh ailnmsotas­l t let d wo sccuelpntt­urreiessw . iT ll hb e eT . rTehaetny, Slet’t s legm et eb nt ehpirno d ceths e s p is rosjteilc l t waonrdking

help it become a major boost for

to address past wrongs. It’s up to

Kapiti’s amenities.

all of us to work together and avoid causing future grievances!

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