Kapiti News

Rolling Back The Changes


The coalition Government has just compelled its initial 100-clay plan to kick-start their election policies Much litigation was passed under Urgency in order to meet the promised target. but at the cog of multiroome­d public scrutiny I wonder how much of it was necessary at such a speed to Ce seen to keep election promises

Some or Me changes are wide-reaching. The repeating dl Three Waters legislatio­n was promised early in the election campaigns. to do away with national control Cl local watts issues. As I see 4..805 is managing its water issues reasonably we.. haring introduced water retiring and the rare recharge water contestati­on screener over recent years. I was pleased to note Se Connors assurance at the start or summer that we could enjoy simmer without water restrictio­ns Not so tor the local authoritie­s of Welington, Pecora and Me Hutt Valley. The Water Meters Decelle is A. starting for Mose areas. In tee realty will strike home and meters will be introduced to help find the leaks

The abolition or the new Māori Health Authority has caused much anguish in Mandan Waitangi Day protests showed us how much this has angered Māori I think something more needs to be done instead of simply reeling out plastids about 'one system for all- The services mug be uttered where they are needed

One change that I cannot understand is the roll-back of me &Igraine lest from Mee years to two. Under this at a property owner could sea an Ineesanent- property after Me years without being taxed on the capital gain_ The enact has been setting ot the property market, WM slower sales and more stable prices. Now. a phraser will need to hang onto a property for only two years before -nicking" it on the market for a to the capital gain. I must as. how this is helping to brng the property market under control and addressing the severe lack of housing throughout the country? will heat up the market trigger higher prices and reck the runners of properties eyelet. tar *nants to rent. I cannot understand a Government that seems to be Dent on turning investors into speculator­s)

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