Kapiti News

Kāpiti council to support new hub for training pathway


Kāpiti Coast District Council has welcomed the announceme­nt of a new training hub in Kāpiti that will build skills for life and careers in the civil constructi­on sector, and committed to support its mahi.

Local firm Mills Albert will establish and lead Mills Albert Pathways to deliver a programme of qualificat­ionaligned training for young people from a Kāpiti Skills Hub at Lindale.

Kāpiti Mayor Janet Holborow said council has signed a Memorandum of Understand­ing with Mills Albert to support the Pathways programme.

The developmen­t of skills hubs is a key part of the Kā piti Coast Economic Developmen­t Strategy.

“This is a fantastic initiative and will provide a much-needed opportunit­y for our young people and rangatahi to gain valuable skills, qualificat­ions and the confidence to enter and remain in the local workforce.

“There are limited education and training opportunit­ies here on the coast which means we are losing a lot of talent and potential talent from our district every year.

“This is a great step towards building a skilled workforce for Kāpiti, in an area of high demand.

“So, a big shout out to Mills Albert for showing the leadership to get this off the ground.

“Council is proud to be supporting this endeavour and look forward to many success stories.”

Council has committed to support the programme by providing on-thejob work experience opportunit­ies in the community, and which benefit the community.

It will also look at co-locating the local Mayors Taskforce for Jobs at the hub.

The independen­t Economic Developmen­t Kotahitang­a Board, which oversees the implementa­tion of the Kāpiti Coast Economic Developmen­t Strategy, will also assist the programme by partnering with Mills Albert Pathways to provide technology-based solutions like simulators, and help attract investment.

Board chairman Neil Mackay said, “The Kāpiti Workforce Plan calls for piloting local skills hubs in response to the needs of industries like constructi­on and to the training needs of future employees. We look forward to supporting this visionary programme.”

Council and the board will also seek external funding opportunit­ies, for example from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Kānoa — Regional Economic Developmen­t and Investment Unit.

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