Kapiti Observer

Coastlands’ Press Council complaint partially upheld


Coastlands Shoppingto­wn complained that a story published by each of Kapiti Observer, Dominion Post and Stuff on either May 17 or 18, 2017 titled, variously, Don’t like it? Then leave; Don’t like the sign. Don’t stop here; and ‘Intimidati­ng’ 900-word sign warns Coastlands shoppers where they can and can’t park breaches Press Council Principles 1 (accuracy, fairness and balance) and 6 (headlines).

The Press Council upheld the complaint on one ground, that the story lacked balance in one respect.

The story referred to the lengthy parking conditions notice erected at the car park entrances. It recorded adverse customer reactions to the notice and the (apparent) restrictiv­e parking terms.

The stories referred to Coastlands’ policy of fining parking violators.

Coastlands said the story failed to fairly set out its position on the parking issues. Importantl­y the story failed to mention that non-mall customers have been using the park to the detriment of mall customers.

Coastlands said its parking policies, which have been in place for some time, are common elsewhere.

The publicatio­ns said the story was fair and balanced and they referred to the Coastlands’ manager’s comments which were published. While noting not all the comments provided were published it was not uncommon for comments to be edited down for space requiremen­ts, they said.

The Council finds that the story lacked balanced in one respect. When Coastlands’ manager was asked for comment before the story was published she mentioned the problems being caused by non-mall users, some being Wellington commuters and others being car poolers, who parked on site for lengthy periods thereby putting pressure on the facility. She also said Coastlands’ parking terms were similar to those at other shopping centres.

These references were not included in the stories. Had they been, a more balanced picture would have emerged. The restrictio­ns the reported customers were complainin­g about would, to an objective reader, have made more sense.

The complaint about the headlines was not upheld.

The full Press Council adjudicati­on is at www.presscounc­il.org.nz

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