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Let’s be caring and considerat­e

- By IAN BLUNT Chief Fire Officer, Omokoroa¯ Fire Brigade

The festive season is very quickly approachin­g and I believe it is crucial that people, whether residents of O¯ mokoroa or visitors to our lovely peninsula, behave in a caring and responsibl­e manner.

While most people are responsibl­e, some are not.

I am targeting safety through the festive season, hoping to reduce accidents and emergencie­s and am asking for a big effort from the general public to achieve this. State Highway 2 in particular has seen an increase in the number of vehicles using it and also an increase in the number of accidents. So far this year, our Brigade has responded to 22 motor vehicle accidents on and around State Highway 2, a quarter of our total calls with three fatalities recorded.

It is very disappoint­ing observing both residents and visitors in our community blatantly breaking road rules putting lawabiding motorists at risk. Examples include the high percentage of illegal turns both into and out of The Point shopping area, failing to stop at stop signs, the largest accumulati­on of that at the O¯ mokoroa Road/State Highway 2 intersecti­on. Tralee Street and Hamurana Road is another stop sign that is very often abused. Speeding through O¯ mokoroa is prevalent and failing to give way is on the rise. There are also a high percentage of people using mobile phones while driving. It does not present a safe environmen­t for young ones to grow up in.

Think safe, be safe and consider others during the coming festive season. Our team could also do with a break. They have certainly earned one with 180-plus calls, both medical and firefighti­ng. Thank you team for your efforts.

— Merry Xmas to you all and be safe.

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