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Staying positive during lockdown

Supporting our community NZME’s GO NZ! campaign


Covid-19 and being in lockdown has made life difficult for many local businesses. They employ local people and each provides an important service for our community.

But just when they would be allowed back to work and a return to ‘normal’ life has been worrying.

Staying positive has been the key for Suzanne Bullivant, owner of Dreamers Beauty Clinic.

“For me personally I have been working on my business while I have this time.

“Business plans and strategies are very important to be doing and focusing on the other side of this shutdown.”

“The girls have found it a bit scary but I try and keep them busy and positive.

“They know their jobs are secure and ready for them when they return.”

Suzanne has kept her team of four well informed with plans and strategies through the levels of lockdown. The staff have been doing a lot of extra training provided by their product companies. They have also used the time in lockdown to focus on their client needs when they return and get procedures ready.

Dreamers have been contacting clients through phoning, Facebook and newsletter­s.

“Clients seem to be coping well and it is nice to hear that they are looking forward to Dreamers doors re-opening.

“I think we are very lucky to have a business in a rural town that is successful in producing food and other services.”

There have been many positives that have come out of having the clinic closed since March 25. Spending time with their families has been one of them.

Suzanne said she is humbled by the support she has had from her staff and clients.

“Some of the emails and phone calls of support have been over whelming.”

“This gives me the drive to get through this and to welcome clients and staff back into Dreamers,” she said.

Moving from complete shutdown to level 3 and towards reopening in level 2 has been a challenge, but Suzanne said the challenge has made them stronger and more determined to open stronger than before.

“I worked really hard in level 4 on the business and with the help of Jo, Dreamers manager, we have used the time in level 3 to get our plans and strategies ready to open in level 2.

“We want to have everything looking great and we want all our clients to feel they are in safe hands.

“I have also kept my marketing going with the help from a great support team.

“We must stay proactive. “In level 4 I phoned a couple of other clinic owners in Tauranga and local businesses and just spent time talking to them which was nice.

 ??  ?? The Dreamers team, from back, clockwise: Suzanne Bullivant, Jo McLaclan, Tahlei Grierson and Jess busy painting and cleaning at the beauty clinic.
The Dreamers team, from back, clockwise: Suzanne Bullivant, Jo McLaclan, Tahlei Grierson and Jess busy painting and cleaning at the beauty clinic.

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