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Last week was again relatively busy for Katikati ambulance crews, with 31 calls attended. Twenty-five of these were in the Katikati operationa­l area, four in Tauranga, one at Mount Maunganui, and one at Papamoa Beach.

Seventeen patients were transporte­d to hospital, 13 were treated at home, and one patient did not require transport.

Tauranga and Katikati crews swapped stations on one occasion last week, to facilitate training.

Ambulance crews from Tauranga attended 18 calls in the

Health safety concerns

Katikati Bypass has yet again been denied, this time from the shovel ready list, local council is still considerin­g their options, but while they do that life in Katikati deteriorat­es.

Might I suggest you all write/ email Phil Twyford, philip. twyford@parliament.govt.nz, the minister responsibl­e for roads. And make yourself heard on how our Health and Safety in Katikati is being eroded to an extremely dangerous level, that when the bridge in the town on SH2 floods in the middle of winter there is no alternativ­e route around Katikati for ambulance or fire brigade if some incident/accident is happening on the north side of town!

Also, how dangerous Katikati main street is and how polluted the shops become from over 1000 trucks a day moving through or sitting at the lights.

We have an election in September maybe it’s time to make a real civil nuisance of ourselves before then, as a taxpayer it is your duty!

There is nothing like a heap of mail on a Minister’s desk to make

Katikati area, Omokoroa First Response Unit had two callouts, and there was one PRIME (Primary Response in Medical Emergency) attendance in Katikati.

Despite the Covid-19 lockdown and the subsequent cancellati­on of the St John Heart of Gold Annual Appeal, Radius Lexham Park rest home held a raffle in support of Katikati St John when they reopened. The proceeds were presented to Katikati St John Area Committee secretary Barbara Blackburn by staff and residents. Their efforts are greatly appreciate­d. a point, please get writing folks! CHRISTINA HUMPHREYS Katikati

Covid tracing

If I received a phone call from the Covid Tracing team asking me to detail my movements and contacts in the past 14 days, what would my reaction be? Panic! Perhaps I had been in contact with someone with Covid, but where? I find it hard enough to remember what I did yesterday let alone 13 days ago.

My calendar details my regular engagement­s but shopping? We are trying to support local businesses but local Katikati businesses are not supporting us, your customers. Congratula­tions to those few main street shops who are displaying the Covid QR code. At least the app will jog my memory about that parcel I posted . . . but what else did I buy yesterday? What shops did I browse in? I certainly won’t remember them all.

Come on Katikati. It can’t be hard to ‘paint the town yellow’ with the Covid QR app.

By giving your customers the opportunit­y to trace their contacts via the app, your community will have a great deal more informatio­n to ensure you can keep trading should we record a case in the area.



Bypass passed by

Who did it first? Not that long ago Scott, we had a huge turnout at the town hall re this subject with all the ‘big bosses’ on the stage, including yourself and Simon Bridges, the then Minister of transport.

And it was he who was against the bypass and advocating for his/ their preferred option, the

Waikato Expressway and over the Kaimais as the route from Auckland to Tauranga. After all the money National was spending on the Expressway, he didn’t want those travelling south over the Bombays to turn left at the bottom and come down SH2 through Katikati, knowing it was quicker because of the ‘bypass’.

So who is bypassing who? Be careful where you point the finger, as there is always three pointing back at oneself.

We, the voting public, know that what politician­s say, is not necessaril­y what they mean or do. MARK KATENE


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 ??  ?? Katikati St John Area Committee secretary Barbara Blackburn, centre, receiving the proceeds of a raffle from staff and residents at Radius Lexham Park resthome, after they reopened.
Katikati St John Area Committee secretary Barbara Blackburn, centre, receiving the proceeds of a raffle from staff and residents at Radius Lexham Park resthome, after they reopened.
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