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Waihi Beach institute celebrates 85 years

- — Anna Schroeder

TheWomen’sInstitute Waihi Beach branch celebrated their 85th anniversar­y last Mondaywith a luncheon at the Waihi BeachRSAfo­llowed by a fashion parade of the latest ‘Posh Shop’ items from themembers currently involved at the Waihi BeachOpSho­p.

The ‘WI’ (formerlykn­ownas the CountryWom­en’sInstitute) Waihi Beach branch was formed in 1935 by Bonnie Pipe as part of the broader movementac­rossNewZea­land, establishe­d by Jerome Spencer in 1921.

The Waihi branch president Shirley Harding shared memories from the 1994 report which detailed the planting of two pohutukawa trees at Waihi Beach School, donations of cups and saucers to the Waihi Beach CommunityH­all, picnic meetings, and a successful choir concert.

TheWIWaihi Beach maintains an active membership offering friendship, activities and community contributi­on and welcomesne­w members.

TheNewZeal­and Federation of Women’sInstitute­s will celebrate 100 years of community next year at Te Papa, Wellington.

 ??  ?? Cutting the celebrator­y cake marking 85 years, from left, Gail Martin, Trish McConachie, (Waihi Beach president) and Eleanor Burns.
Cutting the celebrator­y cake marking 85 years, from left, Gail Martin, Trish McConachie, (Waihi Beach president) and Eleanor Burns.

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