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- Chloe Clennell

TheTrials of Apollo: The Towerof Nero ByRick Riordan, Penguin RandomHous­e, $32.99

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In this, the fifth and final volume of Riordan’s magical series, Lester Papadopoul­os faces his last trial— and Apollo, we’re going to myth you.

The arrogant sun-god, cast out of Olympus to endure six months of hardship as a mortal teenaged boy, must attempt to win back his godliness (while retaining his humanity); prevent evil emperor Nero from blowing upNewYork and free theDelphic­Oracle from the coils of his archnemesi­s Python— no pressure, then . . .

Featuring headwear-obsessed troglodyte­s, dog-headed warriors and a cutlery-brandishin­gGaul, this book is Riordan at his glorious best.

Reading and learning cool stuff shouldn’t be thismuch fun. —

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