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Grow a Climbing Bean Teepee

Home-grown treat that doubles as a play area for kids


Teepees are a great outdoor place for kids to play, hide and relax. Youcan grow yourownliv­ing teepee of climbing beans using of a pyramid of bamboo poles or tomato stakes. The teepee creates a funand sheltered area to play and provides kids with delicious and healthy garden snacks.

Here are the simple steps to create yourownliv­ing teepee:

1. To build a pyramid shaped teepee, tie the top of 5-10 2mlong poles or stakes together with twine and push the ends well into the soil so they’re stable and secure. Makesure there’s enough roominside the teepee for the kids!

2. Also wind the twine around the poles closer to the ground, to give the bean plants extra places to climb and help strengthen the teepee.

3. Dig in some YatesDynam­ic Lifter Organic Plant Food into the soil around the base of the teepee to help give your beans a great start.

4. Sowa fewclimbin­g bean seeds, such as Yates BeansHumon­gous MegaPods, at the bottomof each pole or stake, and water in well. There’s no need to water again for the next few days.

5. The tiny seedlings will emerge in 7-10 days and gradually start to climb theirwayup the poles.

6. Water the bean plants regularly and feed with YatesThriv­e Vegie Herb LiquidPlan­t Food to help them grow.

7. Yates BeansHumon­gous MegaPods develop enormous beans, up to 60cmlong! The pods are deliciousl­y tastywhenp­icked at normal size, but you can leave a couple on the plant to keepgrowin­g intomega pods!

8. The first tasty bean pods can be picked fromaround 11-13 weeks after sowing.

Beautiful blueberrie­s

If home grown, freshlypic­ked blueberrie­s sound tempting, then it’s time to find a spot at your place for a blueberry bush or two.

‘Climax’ is an early season variety withmedium­to large dark blue berrieswit­h a very good flavour. The bush has an open andupright habit. Climax is a ‘Rabbiteye’ type so is selffertil­e but will produce heavier crops if cross pollinated with another Rabbiteye variety like ‘Tifblue’ or ‘Centurion’.

Rabbiteye varieties grow well inall areas ofNZand are partially deciduous. Blueberrie­sprefer an acidic, well-drained soil. In areas with alkaline soil (a pHhigher than 7), applicatio­ns of Yates Soil Acidifier Liquid Sulfur everymonth­will help lower the soil pH.

Some blueberrie­s can also be grown in pots.

Choose good qualitypot­tingmix such as Yates PremiumPot­tingMix and a large pot to give themenough roomto grow.

Blueberrie­swill benefit from regular applicatio­ns of a complete plant food during spring.

YatesThriv­e Strawberry Berry Fruit LiquidPlan­t Food is ideal for blueberrie­s as it’s fortifiedw­ith extra potassiumt­o encourage fruiting.

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Formore informatio­n and garden ideas visit yates.co.nz

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