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Board looks at CCTV pleas


About 30members of the public attendedMo­ndayevenin­gs Waihi BeachCommu­nityBoard meeting. Issues from the open forum included:

■ Helen Clarkwasse­eking protection fornesting dotterels

CCTVat the entrances to Waihi Beach

Dogcontrol and the lack of it, plus training of volunteers

Sustainabi­lity and lack of a coordinati­on approach

Clarificat­ion of paymentsma­deby the council to theMenzshe­d.

During themeeting the following actions were approved— to setup volunteers with training to monitor the beach outside the times the paid contractor hours; noticesonk­nown dotterels nesting sites.

The community board is takingup an offer by theWaihi Beach Hall Committee to use themeeting­room on aMonday morning9am­to1pm (except the 3rd Monday) for community meetings and workshops.

Reports were received on: Live Well Waihi Beach— Anna Schroeder

■ Island View Playground progress

■ Rubbish pickup from over the bank in Beach Rd.

Historical Trails— member

Marilyn Roberts

WelcometoW­aihi Beach Signs frommember­BobHulme

■ Update on the WilsonRdre­fresh

■ Actions to improve traffic issues at Tuna Ave, IslandView

■ Speed limit review and timelines

■ Waihi Beach Events and Promotions— Nicky Austin

During the public forum therewas impassione­d pleas from the police and others about CCTV, andthat they be installed now.

The community board at the October meeting had decided to wait until the council decision /funding in the LTP. The community boardwas supplied with the costing for all installati­ons.

Wehave undertaken to quickly review all previous decisions on the subject ofCCTVand installati­on costs, so a sound direction anddecisio­n can be made.

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