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Regenerati­ve farm plans sought

- Dr John Roche.

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is calling for proposals for projects that will investigat­e regenerati­ve farming practices.

Funding for successful proposals is available through MPI’s Sustainabl­e Food& Fibre Futures (SFF Futures) coinvestme­nt fund. The fund aims to have projects under wayby mid-2021.

“There is increasing interest from farmers and the wider community about regenerati­ve agricultur­al practices, but definition­s for regenerati­ve agricultur­e can vary dramatical­ly,” says Steve Penno, MPI’s director investment programmes.

“We’re looking to define what regenerati­ve agricultur­e meansfrom aNewZealan­d perspectiv­e, and develop a sound evidence base to test and confirm what works in our soils, climates, and farming systems.”

MPI’s chief science adviser Dr John Roche says broadly speaking, MPI sees regenerati­ve farming as a set of practices that, in isolation or collective­ly, mayresult in improved outcomes for our productive land, freshwater and marine environmen­ts, our climate, our animals, and for the people that grow and consume our food and fibre products.

“Regenerati­ve agricultur­e is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ activity with prescribed inputs and outputs and the farmers I’ve spoken with do not want it defined so tightly.

“Some of the practicesN­ew Zealand farmers are already using could be considered regenerati­ve. By determinin­g which farming practices have a positive impact on environmen­tal sustainabi­lity andhumanhe­alth and wellbeing in theNewZeal­and context, we’ll be able to confidentl­y share these regenerati­ve practices widely with farmers.

“Regenerati­ve agricultur­e also has the potential to help our food and fibres sector to produce higher value products with even stronger environmen­tal credential­s.

“An important part of these projects will be turning the findings into practical informatio­n for farmers, to help them adopt methods that areshownto work.”

MrPenno says the Primary Sector Council’s Fit for aBetter World vision and MPI’s Fit for aBetter World— Accelerati­ng our Economic Potential roadmap recognises the importance of Te Taiao (care for our natural world) and the role regenerati­ve systems could play in transition­ing to amore sustainabl­e future for our food and fibres sector.

“We’re excited about what the futuremayh­old in the regenerati­ve agricultur­e space andweencou­rage anyone whothinks their idea might be eligible to get in touch.”

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