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Dare to Bare — wearing shorts supports hospice


Life is short — so get those legs out for Waipuna Hospice.

The hospice is challengin­g Western Bay of Plenty brave souls to dig out their brightest, boldest, and craziest shorts and support them this month in their Shorts 4 Hospice campaign, Dare to Bare.

Shorts 4 Hospice participan­ts sign up online, set a fundraisin­g goal, and then start their fundraisin­g journey, asking friends, families, and colleagues to support them with donations.

There’s also the Dare Board — a series of 12 challenges set out by Waipuna Hospice encouragin­g participan­ts to wear their shorts while daring to climb the mount, take a dip in the ocean, discover Hairy Maclary and his friends, or grab a pic with their own favourite furry friend. Every dare comes with its own donation goal – the riskier the dare, the more participan­ts are encouraged to raise.

The event has been supported by local business, community groups and individual­s since 2016.

“You can really get creative with your fundraisin­g,” says Waipuna Hospice fundraisin­g executive Wayne Bloxham. “We want to see people out on the streets of Tauranga in their shorts, snapping pictures of themselves completing our dares at iconic locations and then passing on the challenge to others. It’s a fun way to help raise funds for hospice.”

“Our corporates do a great job raising money through office events . . . participan­ts can donate individual­ly or create a team to come up with a creative way to fundraise. We loved that the Omokoroa Golf Ladies had an event, and the Orange City Square and Round Dance group organised a fundraisin­g dance day.”

The shortest day of the year falls on June 21 so people are encouraged to celebrate by wearing shorts.

Waipuna Hospice, Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty’s local hospice supports almost 4000 people every year, helping people with the end of life journey for patients and their families.

■ For further informatio­n see shorts-4-hospice-2023.raisely.com

 ?? ?? Omokoroa Golf Ladies got their shorts out, held an event and raised money for a previous Shorts 4 Hospice.
Omokoroa Golf Ladies got their shorts out, held an event and raised money for a previous Shorts 4 Hospice.

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