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Second hole-in-one in 6 days at Waihi

Mark Bryant follows Mike Rose’s magic moment on the course


At the Thursday afternoon men’s haggle, Waihi Club member Mark Bryant holed out his tee shot on the eighth hole — only six days after Mike Rose scored one on the 15th.

Tuesday nine hole section: With a fine morning it was a relief for the nine hole players, after the storm the previous day (and weeks). The goodsized field played a stableford haggle, and the clear winner was the section captain, Jenni Mora, with 20 points. She was followed by John Twemlow, Daryll Denyer, Val McLoughlin, and Lynda Thomson all with 17 points. Next were Rex Smith, Mandy Piper, and Margaret Hickey with 16 points,

Wednesday ladies: A good-sized field started in the stableford haggle, and coming home with the best score was Michelle Libby with 38 points. She was followed by Annette Hetheringt­on with 36, then Denise McConnon on 34. Di Lockwood and Di Lewis both had 33 points. In the hidden hole comp, Annette Hetheringt­on, Michelle Libby, and Kathy Ashton all had 7 points. The “Dreamer’s Player of the Week” was Annette Hetheringt­on with 72 nett.

Thursday men: A overcast day with frequent light rain squalls made conditions difficult. In the morning haggle Rhys Miller had the top score with 38 points, ahead of the everpresen­t Earle White with 36. Next was Allen Sarjant on 34, while Bruce Rutter, Rhys Peden, and Howard Anderson all finished on 33. Rhys Miller also scooped the twos pool by scoring the only two.

In the afternoon haggle, Mark Bryant couldn’t match his efforts on the eighth, and it was Mark Tomsett that took out the top spot with a fine 40 points. Next was Nigel Sanderson with 37, while Andy Roche and Terry Gerbich both had 36. Murray Gutry, David P Campbell, and Gary Choat all had 34 points.

Saturday ladies: The Saturday ladies nett haggle was an even affair with Liz Seager (Pirongia), and Martine Milicich both topping the field with nett 76s. Next were Susan Mustard and Shoneen Dunning both one back with 77, while Jenny Tubman had 78, and Georgia Mustard 79.

Saturday men: On a fine day, and the only down side was some wind, the 72 players in the day’s two haggles saw only one player better their handicap. In the morning haggle, John Drent was out on his own with 34 points, one ahead of Ken Mustard on 33. Next were Sam Gurney and Steve Herbert (Stewart Alexander, both with 32, followed by John Libby, Rhys Peden, and David Seager (Pirongia) all on 31.

In the afternoon haggle Gary Dunning was the player of the day, by playing under his handicap to top his field with 37 points. In second place was Nic Davies with 35, followed by David P Campbell, Brian Roche, and Murray Guitry, all on 34, with John Taylor (33), and Philip Butcher (Cambridge), and Wayne Brierley on 32.

— Rodger Bagshaw


On June 1 we played the semifinals of our championsh­ip handicap matchplay competitio­n. The following players teed off at 8.30 in fine weather.

Division 1: Glenis Hilt, Collette Payne, Wendy Cocks and Anne Howard.

Division 2: Brenda Carr, Fiona Coulam.

The other pairing in division 2, Ros Robson and Pat Pepper, have yet to play their match to see who goes through to the final.

For Division 1 Glenis Hilt and Wendy Cocks both went through to the final.

For division two Brenda Carr and the player yet to be determined. The final is to be held on June 15. An alternate haggle fun game is on the cards for all the other ladies.

The alternate stableford haggle was won by Carol Fleet finishing with 22 stableford­s, followed by Anita Kelly and Carol Fippard both with 20, Naomi Van Der Merwe and Jan Hickey 18, Jenny Harrison and Delwynn Rientjes 16.

The hidden hole was shared by Carol Fleet, Naomi Van Der Merwe, Kathleen Grammer and Carol Fippard.

 ?? Photo / Kaylene Croker ?? Mark Bryant moments after scoring his holein-one.
Photo / Kaylene Croker Mark Bryant moments after scoring his holein-one.

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