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Funding boost for events

$223,000 for Western Bay, Tauranga events


The latest round of the Tauranga Western Bay Community Event Fund has resulted in18 applicatio­ns receiving a combined total of $223,000.

The fund aims to support community events in the region.

The fund has up to six funding rounds each year, and $223,000 of the $900,000 annual funding pool for 2023-24 was allocated during round one.

The 26 events granted funding are spread throughout 2023, with three early in 2024, and are all community-driven events that “aim to enrich the Tauranga and Western Bay communitie­s through active participat­ion and


BayTrust’s Alastair Rhodes says the funding boost of $200,000 for this year “means we can support more community-led activation­s that allow local groups to showcase their events and ensure we support events across all areas from sports to arts and culture”.

Previous recipient events in Western Bay of Plenty:

Matariki Star Lantern Workshop, Katikati

Matariki Dawn Service at Park Road Reserve, Katikati

Te Kete Matariki held at Jubilee Park, Te Puke

WBOP coming events:

Aaravam in August at Te Puna Hall

Te Puke Sustainabi­lity Expo and Spring Clean in September 17 at Te Puke War Memorial Hall and downtown

EPIC Te Puke Treat Trail in October in downtown Te Puke

Katikati Upcycle Christmas Tree Competitio­n in November and December

Katikati Christmas Concert in December at Moore Park

Anzac Bay Summer Kick Off in December at Anzac Bay, Bowentown

Seeka Te Puke Christmas Float Parade in December

Katikati Christmas Grotto in December at The Arts Junction

EPIC Te Puke Easter Trail Event in March

New community event applicatio­ns to be submitted before August 20 cut-off date.

 ?? Photo / Rebecca Mauger ?? Events such as Katch Katikati’s Christmas Grotto are being funded with help from Tauranga Western Bay Community Event Fund.
Photo / Rebecca Mauger Events such as Katch Katikati’s Christmas Grotto are being funded with help from Tauranga Western Bay Community Event Fund.

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