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back field by the Dave Hume pool at 5.15-6.30pm. Caroline 027 551 5589.

Business After Five: A Katch Katikati event on the third Wednesday of the month with a different local business hosting the event at 5pm. Ph 549 5250 for venue.

Christian Meditation: Venue at St Peter's Anglican Church, Beach Rd on Wednesdays at 3.45pm. No charge. Raymond 549 5329. Flexercise with Fitness League: 10am. Exercise, movement and dance for all ages, Katikati Memorial Hall, Main Rd. Pam 021 1177 170.

Homewood Park Tennis Club: 9am start. 30a Park Rd. Cushla 027 414 2587.

Katikati Bowling Club: Mixed Roll-up 1pm, report time 12.45pm. Coaching available.

Katikati Bridge Club: Katikati Memorial Hall Lounge at 7pm promptly. Gordon 021 081 14270. Katikati Camera Club: Katikati Bowling Club at 7pm. Jo Bryant 021 125 0742. First Wednesday of the month.

Katikati Coffin Club: Meets Wednesdays 8.30am-12pm at 78a Prestidge Rd. Ewen 021 0585727. Katikati Community Toy Library: Katikati Christian Centre, Henry Rd from 2.30-4pm. Ph 027 551 5589.

Katikati Croquet: Associatio­n croquet. Hunter reserve, Wharawhara Rd from 9am-12pm. Heather Taylor 549 4893. KatiChat: First Wednesday of each second month (August, October 2023) at The Arts Junction at 10am11am with morning tea. Learn about local organisati­ons with different speakers. Ph 549 5250.

Katikati Herb Society:

Presbyteri­an Church lounge, cnr SH2 and Mulgan St. Second Wednesday of month at 7pm. Learn about cultivatio­n, nutritiona­l health, first aid, home remedies and crafts. Jenny 552 0697.

Katikati Indoor Bowls:

Wednesday at 6.50pm at Katikati Memorial Hall. Heather 549 1008. Katikati Songsters: Not a choir, just a group of people who enjoy singing together in a relaxed setting. Wednesdays at 1.30pm at Presbyteri­an Church lounge, Mulgan St. Moira 021 409 570. Katikati Walking Group: George Vesey Stewart Park, off

Carisbrook­e St at 9am.

Line Dancing Mural Town: Beginners first hours. St Peter's Anglican Church, Beach Rd from 9am-12pm. Lurline 552 0885. Omokoroa Artists: Meet Settlers Hall Omokoroa Rd from 10.45am3.30pm. $5. Ph Jill 021 408 660. Re-Naturing Katikati: Meet 9am Haiku Park car park. Weeding and planting to give nature a helping hand in our public reserves. Sharon 027 616 5036.

Seedlings Club — Grow On Katikati:

An introducti­on to gardening fun for kids. Katikati Community Centre, Beach Rd.

Janet 021 023 67038. First and third Wednesdays 3-4pm.

SPACE: For first-time parents of babies born Jun-Oct 2020. Omokoroa Playcentre, 334 Omokoroa Rd. 12.15-2.15pm. Tennis coaching: Homewood Park Tennis Club, Katikati. 3-6pm juniors. 6-9pm seniors. Sven van Touw 020 4242 411.

U3A Katikati: Monthly meetings second Wednesday of the month, 10am-12pm. One interest group will be highlighte­d each month. IT Hub next to the library.


Asthma and Respirator­y Clinic: Every Thursday fortnightl­y from 8.30am-3.30pm. Ph 0800 276 267. B4 school checks: Every second Tuesday. Free health and developmen­t check for four-yearolds preparing to start school. Katikati Community Centre. Ph 557 5522.

Business Breakfasts: Second Thursday of the month from 7am at Patuki Manawa, The Centre beside Katikati Library. RSVP info@katchkatik­ati.org.nz

Cafe´ Scientifiq­ue: Third Thursday of the month, 7pm at The Arts Junction.

Craft at embroidery group: St Pius Church, Beach Rd at 10am. Trish 021 056 0124.

Fun Felters: St Paul's Presbyteri­an Church, cnr Mulgan St and SH2 from 9am-2pm. Robyn 549 5100. First Thursday of the month. Inland Revenue Department: General taxation education and advice regarding personal tax and entitlemen­ts. Katikati Community Centre, Beach Rd. Fortnightl­y, but phone 549 0399 to book times. Keas/Cubs: Scout den Carisbrook­e St 5-6.30pm. Text Tim 027 673 9779. Men with Cancer Exercise Classes: Habit Physio, Katikati

Medical Centre, no charge. 9.30am. Coffee at a cafe after class. Ph 549 0405.

KaiWay Weedbuster­s: Kati Kaiway, Gilfillan rerverve, Fairview Rd from 9am-12pm. Bring own tools, bucket and drink bottle. Elizabeth 549 2795 evenings. First Thursday every month.

Katikati Bowling Club: Rummikub, all welcome $3 entry fee. 1pm.

Katikati Community Breakfasts: Baptist Church, Wedgewood St. All invited for a hearty breakfast and great company from 7.30-8.30am. Gold coin donation. Ph 549 0399. Katikati Concert Band: Katikati Bowling Club, 8 Park Rd. 7-9pm. Eryl 021 124 7990.

Katikati Croquet Club: Golf croquet. Hunter Reserve, Wharawhara Rd from 9am-12pm. Heather Taylor 549 4893. Katikati Genealogy Group: St Paul's Presbyteri­an Church, cnr SH2 and Mulgen St at 1.30pm. $5 door charge. Jeanette 027 348 3259. Second Thursday of the month. Katikati Playcentre: Open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-12pm. Ph 027 700 0279. Katikati Probus Club: Presbyteri­an Church, Mulgan St at 9.45am. Ph Beryl McKinnell 549 5458. Second Thursday of the month.

Katikati Toastmaste­rs: Develop confidence, leadership skills and communicat­e effectivel­y. Katikati Community Centre, Beach Rd at 7.30pm. Christine 027 296 7939. First, third and fifth Thursday of the month.

Mah-Jong: Tuesdays and Thursdays we meet at St Paul's Presbyteri­an Church, 1 Mulgan St from 12.45-4pm. Anne 549 2379. Omokoroa Bridge Club: Omokoroa Sport and Recreation Pavilion, Western Ave at 6.50pm. David 548 0521.

 ?? ?? The Creative Fibre group has meetings in Omokoroa and Katikati on Tuesdays.
The Creative Fibre group has meetings in Omokoroa and Katikati on Tuesdays.

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