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Season coincides with Cup

Hopes high for a full range of club teams — and NZ success at the 2023 world showdown


The new cricket season is only four weeks away from starting and local players are emerging from a wet winter to dust off the cobwebs in the training nets. Katikati’s Senior teams start matches in early October and juniors at the beginning of November.

The club hopes to field teams in all age groups including a college junior girls’ side for a fourth year in a row. Club president Ben Warren says the club has a wonderful group of cricketing families “whose fantastic support is one of the main reasons the sport can continue locally”.

“With fewer children playing outdoor sports ever before, it is essential to keep promoting the available sporting opportunit­ies to each generation.”

The 13th edition of Cricket World Cup is being held in India this October and with New Zealand being in the final previously, all eyes will be on this year’s team. This will no doubt make for an exciting opening to the new cricket season in New Zealand.

Cricket World Cups, like other codes World Cups always spark more interest especially with the youngest of players. Often inspiring children to go as far as they can playing a sport they love.

In other news, Katikati’s cricket oval has been recently planted with some young trees around the edges of the white picket fence. This is courtesy of the C E Miller beautifica­tion community fund, and the trees will be joined over the summer by a few new park benches for locals to sit and watch games or for dog walkers to rest.

Club registrati­ons are open for another two weeks email katikaticr­icket@gmail.com for more informatio­n on playing cricket this season.

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