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Blue September

Blue September is the Prostate Cancer Foundation’s national awareness campaign.


Every year around 600 men die in New Zealand of prostate cancer. That is more than 600 fathers, sons, brothers, grandfathe­rs – gone! This happens because men don’t know how dangerous the disease is, they don’t talk to their doctor about it, they simply don’t do anything about it. This has to stop. Deaths from prostate cancer can be prevented if the disease is detected early enough.

That’s why Blue September is about getting the word out about prostate cancer. If you buy a blue ribbon, paint your face blue, donate money to the Prostate Cancer Foundation or even tell people, you will be directly helping to lower the death rate and reduce the suffering from this disease.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation receives no government funding and we rely on the generosity of people to help us support men and their families who are going through the journey and spread the message for men to get regular checks.

If you want to help then donating just $5 will make such a difference.

The human body is made up of billions of tiny building blocks called cells. Sometimes, cells reproduce in an uncontroll­ed way and grow into a lump, or tumour.

There are two kinds of tumours: noncancero­us (benign) and cancerous (malignant). Benign tumours do not spread to other parts of the body and are not life threatenin­g (except in very rare situations).

Cancerous tumours can attack nearby cells and destroy them. Cancer cells can also get into body fluids and spread to other parts of the body. This is called a secondary cancer or metastasis. Blood and lymph are the fluids which transport cancer cells to other parts of the body. Lymph is a nearly clear fluid that travels through lymph vessels and small oval structures called lymph nodes. Lymph fluid eventually mixes with blood which travels throughout the body.

Cancer is not a single disease with one cause and one type of treatment. There are more than 200 different types of cancer. Each has its own natural course of developmen­t and response to treatment.

• If you’re over 40, get an annual check for prostate cancer!

• NZ men live on average 4 years less than women

• 6 out of 10 New Zealand males are overweight

• Nearly a quarter of New Zealand men smoke

• 27% of men have potentiall­y hazardous drinking patterns

• Men have fewer years free from disability and poor health (Health and Independen­ce Report 2005, MOH).

For more informatio­n, support or advice visit the Prostate Cancer Foundation

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