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A family of footballer­s scooped the awards at the Katikati Football Club prizegivin­g this year.

James Cousins won Coach of the Year. He was sidelined from playing this year after a serious knee injury last season playing for the men’s team meant he needed a knee reconstruc­tion.

Chanelle Sharpe who plays for Waihi AFC, won the Women’s Most Valuable Player. She won the Golden Boot for the top goal scorer and won the Waibop Women’s Division 2 Player of the Year.

Their son Blake Cousins who plays for KKFC 11th Grade, won the Most Valuable Player. He also jointly won the club’s Top Goal Scorer with his sister Ella with 31 goals.

And daughter Ivy Cousins who plays for KKFC 9th Grade Mixed won the General Excellence Award.

Ivy's twin sister Ella who also plays 9th grade mixed for KKFC won the Most Valuable Player and shared the KKFC Top Goal Scorer trophy with Blake with 31 goals.

Ella is the only player in the 10-year history of the clubs Top Goal Scorer trophy, to have their name on it more than once which is a huge achievemen­t.

Waihi Golf

Nine Hole Tuesday: The competitio­n for the day was a nett haggle played in two divisions. The day started out with the now standard cold wind, which improved as the day progressed. In division 1, the winner was Rex Smith with a nett 33, with John Twemlow and Tukatara Tangiia both having 36, and Jenni Mora 37. In division 2, Margaret Hickey was well clear with a nett 31, with Christine Mercer and Alison Turney next with 40, while Lynda Thomson finished with 41.

Wednesday Ladies: With the improving weather the ladies competed in a nett haggle. Top scorers were Adele Gunning and Kristine Gascoigne, each having a

nett 72. One shot behind were Carol Leary, Dot Ramsey and Jenny O’Dwyer, while Heather White and Jacquie Bain both had nett 74’s. The hidden hole was shared by Viv Lilley

and Jenny O’Dwyer, with both having 8 points.

Thurday Men: This week the morning haggle was a nett competitio­n, and in Division 1, Earl Hoskins was the winner with a nett 70. Next was Calin Samson with 72, with Daryll Denyer on 73, then Jimmy Powell having 74. In Division 2, Dave Ashton had the round of the morning with a nett 68, with Peter Hewitt next on 72. Pete Rowe and Harry Shepherd both had 73, and Rodger Bagshaw 74.

The afternoon haggle was Stableford, and Gary Choat showed a clean pair of heels to the field with a great 44 points. First of the chasers was Paul Morgan with 38 points, with Kelly Exelby next with 37. Following on 36 points were Frank Van Hattum, Peter Spiers, and Dwayne O’Flaherty, then Andy Roche, Alex Teesdale, and Damian Dunlop all with 35 points. Saturday Ladies: In the nett medal

haggle, Shoneen Dunning and Martine Milicich were equal top scorers with nett 69’s. They were followed by Karen Diggelmann and Karen Roche who both had nett 70, with Jackie Robson next with 71, then Denise Donald 74.

Men’s Strokeplay Championsh­ip: The final round of this three-round championsh­ip was played on Saturday. The winner of the Senior Division was Murray Fraser, ahead of Jethro Meares, while the Intermedia­te Division was won by Wayne Brierley, one shot ahead of David Campbell. The Junior Division winner was Calin Samson with Tim Parish next, while in the Junior B Division Jock Stronach came out ahead of Peter Spiers. Saturday Men’s Haggles: The morning men played a nett medal haggle and in Division 1, John Libby was carried through by his playing partner to win with a nett 69. Next was Allen Sarjant on 70, with Grant Robson and Calin Samson next, both with 72’s. On 73 were Sam Gurney, Jim Powell, Daryl Denyer and Ken Mustard. In Division 2, the ‘quiet achiever’ Tom Rowbotham had an outstandin­g 62 nett to blitz the field, with Al McMillan and Brian Robinson both well behind on 68 nett. Jock Stronach and Mark Mora both had 69.

 ?? ?? Ella Cousins with Most Valuable Player Top Goal scorer trophies and Ivy Cousins with the General Excellence trophy at the Katikati Football Club annual prize giving.
Ella Cousins with Most Valuable Player Top Goal scorer trophies and Ivy Cousins with the General Excellence trophy at the Katikati Football Club annual prize giving.
 ?? ?? Blake Cousins receives the Most Valuable Player and Top Goal Scorer trophies.
Blake Cousins receives the Most Valuable Player and Top Goal Scorer trophies.
 ?? ?? Waihi Golf Club is as pretty as a picture i
Waihi Golf Club is as pretty as a picture i
 ?? ?? in its spring colours.
in its spring colours.

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