Kids Go Gardening

Build a Herb Tower



– Terracotta bowls or pots of different sizes. Measure the diameter of your pots and allow at least 6cm difference between each pot for planting space. – Potting mix – Herb plants or seeds – Edible flower plants or seeds

1 Choose a sunny spot to build your herb tower.

2 Fill the biggest pot about three quarters with potting mix. Take the next biggest pot and press it down into the middle of the potting mix to mark where it will sit. Take it out then sow or plant herbs around the edge of the biggest pot (space seedlings evenly, about 10-15cm apart).

3 Make a small hollow in the middle of the potting mix and firmly push the next pot into it, making sure that it is sitting firmly and level in the middle and not squashing the plants.

4 Fill the next pot with potting mix and plant around the edge as before… and so on (you might have up to five pots).

5 Plant the smallest pot and place it on top, then water carefully with a watering can.

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