Kiwi Gardener

Families in Ukraine need your help!


The Sechka family live in a rural area of Sarny region, western ukraine, in an old dilapidate­d house. Mykhailo, 40, and his wife nadiya, 31, work hard to provide for their family. They face a massive challenge as three of their five children have severe disabiliti­es. One of their daughters is unable to walk at all. The health of their children means they need medical examinatio­ns, check-ups, and treatment. which costs money.

Mykhailo used to work in forestry, but when the war began, he lost most of his wages then he had to quit. Since then, he has focused on farming and keeps cows, pigs, geese, and poultry to survive.

Son Mieko loves his parents and sees they are hardworkin­g. Mykhailo must cultivate a lot of land to grow forage for the animals, and vegetables and grain for the family. He was using an old tractor that he bought 15 years ago. The tractor is 50 years old and required constant repair. Mykhailo says that after each working day he had to repair it and it wasn’t worth the money. Since then, the old tractor became a place where Mieko and his siblings play.

Despite Mykhailo and Nadiya’s efforts, the family’s situation became very difficult. The loss of income, health issues and the ongoing war has taken its toll.

Mieko’s family need help with resources, such as tools and machinery, so they can grow food for themselves.

right now, the ukrainian economy is shrinking, and inflation is rising. So, supporting families just like Mieko’s with a self-sufficienc­y project will be a lifeline.

Mieko’s anxiety and uncertaint­y and have resulted in physical and psychologi­cal issues. There is no doubt that the impact of war will be felt by his family and many others for years to come.


At Mission without Borders, we regularly reach out to Kiwis who respond by giving, praying, and offering their unwavering support.

If you would like to help, here are some ways we CAN make A Difference together:

1. A gift of $30 will supply an emergency food and hygiene parcel to help displaced and vulnerable people in the ukraine.

2. Sponsor a family: we have families in ukraine waiting right now for sponsorshi­p. you can enable and encourage a whole family to lift themselves out of poverty and become self-sufficient for $45 a month.

3. Consider donating towards a selfsuffic­iency project for a family like Mieko’s. This will give them the opportunit­y to not only survive but thrive ‒ $25 will provide a packet of seeds to grow life-sustaining fruits and vegetables.

If you’d like to help in any way, please either visit our website or call us today on 0800 469 269.

 ?? ?? Mission without Borders visit the Sechka’s house with support to lift them out of poverty.
Mission without Borders visit the Sechka’s house with support to lift them out of poverty.
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