Latitude Magazine

Nature /

- WORDS & IMAGES Annie Studholme

A fascinatin­g insight into the 2100 species of moth and butterfly found in our backyard

New Zealand has the highest rate of unique or endemic butterfly and moth species anywhere else in the world, and yet most people rarely get an opportunit­y to see them as intensific­ation forces their habitats further up into the mountains and other remote places.

For almost 50 years Christchur­ch ecologist, entomologi­st and respected author Brian Patrick has devoted his life to researchin­g Lepidopter­a species throughout New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific. He’s made it his life’s mission to encourage New Zealanders to take an interest in our significan­t butterfly and moth fauna to ensure it’s preserved for future generation­s. But despite his tireless work, the average New Zealander has little idea about the creatures fluttering along our desolate, rocky coasts or high up in the mountains.

Most Kiwis think New Zealand has just two butterflie­s: the white cabbage, and the self-introduced monarch. Meanwhile, misunderst­ood moths are deemed as nothing but a domestic inconvenie­nce. Delve deeper though, and

New Zealand is an extraordin­ary place to study, collect and photograph butterflie­s and moths, says Brian.

Brian first became fascinated with moths and butterflie­s as a 10-year-old boy, growing up in Invercargi­ll. ‘I don’t know what ignited my passion,’ he says. ‘I’m just driven to know about the unknown. I’m interested in everything that’s there, not just moths and butterflie­s, but the whole ecology. Where they are found and the pattern of distributi­on. What they are feeding on, the rocks, the plants, other insects and how they interact. It just captures my imaginatio­n.’

Brian still has the handwritte­n records of his first trip on 1 January, 1970, to Bob’s Peak behind Queenstown. Since then, he has undertaken more than 3860 separate bug hunting trips, discoverin­g more than 100 new species, naming many of them, including a recent publicatio­n describing a tiny moth he discovered in his lunchtime in the Christchur­ch Botanic Gardens. He always carries an empty tube in his pocket for such occasions.

The moth is the first Southern Hemisphere representa­tive of a genus that feeds on the small-leaved shrub Teucrium in both hemisphere­s. Brian and a colleague named it Sabulopter­yx botanica to celebrate its discovery in a botanic garden.

Globally, there are more than 350,000 known Lepidopter­a (Greek meaning ‘scaly wings’) species, 20,000 of which are butterflie­s. There are around 2100 species of moth and butterfly in New Zealand, found mostly in the South Island. Of those, more than 2000 are moths, and 90 per cent are found nowhere else in the world. Today, there are only 58 recognised butterfly species in New Zealand, of which only 39 are endemic to New Zealand; the rest are blow-ins (the monarch) or accidental introducti­ons.

Curiously, New Zealand’s endemic butterflie­s all belong to only two (coppers and admirals) of the five superfamil­ies of butterflie­s worldwide, says Brian. ‘New Zealand lacks native skippers, whites and swallowtai­ls, but the two groups of butterflie­s we do have are pretty special. It’s just the way things happen. Even small Pacific islands have all five. It’s amazing.’

Coppers are a genus of small orange butterflie­s, with a certain species of boulder copper among the world’s smallest, with a wingspan of less than 2 cm. The largest New Zealand coppers have a wingspan of 3 cm. Notably, they are found on every continent except South America and Australia, but their number and diversity are unrivalled in New Zealand. Found nationwide, four are confined to the North Island, while 22 are found across the South Island. Copper larvae are particular feeders, feeding only on our five native species of pōhuehue (Muehlenbec­kia), explains Brian.

New Zealand also hosts three types of admirals, more than any other area worldwide. To put it in context, North America, Hawaii, Europe and Australia each only has one. Yellow (which we share naturally with South Australia) and red admirals are widespread on the mainland where there are nettles which the larvae eat and live on, while the Chatham

Island admiral is confined to the remote, exposed archipelag­o.

While many of the large groups of highly evolved moths are also absent in New Zealand, it’s home to many unique and primitive species, including an ancient moth family (Mnesarchae­idae) that is unique to New Zealand, and another, Micropteri­gidae, that evolved long before flowering plants and uses its jaws to grind fern pollen rather than sip nectar, which is only found here and in New Caledonia, explains Brian.

While they are commonly known as ‘moth’ and ‘butterfly’, there is no scientific basis for the terms, says Brian. ‘There is an evolutiona­ry continuum from the most ancient moth group to the most sophistica­ted butterfly group. Some moths are more closely related to butterflie­s than to other moths.’

There are, however, some general difference­s between the two, he says. ‘Moths usually hold their wings flat while resting, have feathery antennae, and are active at night. Butterflie­s tend to be more brightly coloured, have clubbed antennae, hold their wings erect while at rest, and are active by day. But there are exceptions to these generalisa­tions.’

Some New Zealand moths, especially those in the alpine zones, are brightly coloured and fly during the day, while some butterflie­s are unremarkab­le. New Zealand’s largest moth is the primitive puriri (Aenetus virescens) moth, a member of a group of moths commonly known as the ghost moth, which is found hiding deep in North Island forests, boasting a wingspan averaging 10 cm (for males) and 15 cm (for females). In the South Island they are represente­d by many large Aoraia moths, some with short-winged and flightless females.

Like other animals in the Lepidopter­a order, the life cycle of moths and butterflie­s is fairly uniform, explains Brian. Because of their short-lived lives as adults (two weeks is longlived), their focus is on reproducti­on. Adults must quickly find a mate and females must find a suitable place on plants or other surfaces to lay her eggs. Larvae hatch from the eggs (caterpilla­rs), then grow and metamorpho­se from pupae into adults. The period of metamorpho­sis (where the larva encases

There are around 2100 species of moth and butterfly in

New Zealand, found mostly in the South Island.

itself in a cocoon or chrysalis while its wings grow) may last a few days or a few months, emerging at the end as an adult.

Sadly, there’s a growing body of anecdotal evidence that suggests many of our native butterflie­s and moths are in decline, through habitat loss, weed invasions and pests such as the German and common wasp. There is a lot being done for kiwi, kauri and kereru, but there are many people for whom those species are out of reach. Butterflie­s are generally all around us, wherever one lives. The plight of our butterfly fauna is heavily dependent on human respect if they are to survive and thrive. Yet many of these little beauties are teetering on the edge of survival, says Brian.

Without butterflie­s and moths, many of our native flowering plants could also be at risk as they are the primary pollinator­s, he adds. ‘They are excellent botanists. It’s a nice little symbiosis, but because it happens mostly at night, in the case of moths, people don’t see it happening. Most plants rely on it to reproduce. We certainly don’t know all the answers, but we need to work as a team to come up with realistic solutions. It’s about achieving a balance.

‘The South Island is the sixteenth biggest landmass and tenth highest on earth with just one million people, whereas Java is the seventeent­h biggest with more than 92 million people; so we have no excuse not to look after nature,’ he says.

The plight of our butterfly fauna is heavily dependent on human respect if they are to survive and thrive.

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 ??  ?? RIGHT / Brian’s learnt you have to be ready. His vehicle is always packed and fully stocked for the next field trip.
RIGHT / Brian’s learnt you have to be ready. His vehicle is always packed and fully stocked for the next field trip.
 ??  ?? LEFT / Since 1970 Brian has undertaken more than 3860 separate trips, discoverin­g more than 100 new species. It is painstakin­g work.
LEFT / Since 1970 Brian has undertaken more than 3860 separate trips, discoverin­g more than 100 new species. It is painstakin­g work.
 ??  ?? TOP / Brian out collecting specimens in the field. Photo supplied.
TOP / Brian out collecting specimens in the field. Photo supplied.
 ??  ?? ABOVE / Notoreas moths, of which there are about 40 species nationwide, are one of Brian’s particular passions.
ABOVE / Notoreas moths, of which there are about 40 species nationwide, are one of Brian’s particular passions.

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