Latitude Magazine



The new prefect group at St Andrew’s College, led by Head Girl Emily Tyrrell and Head

Boy Hugh Montgomery, have come up with a clever theme, ‘2020 Vision’, as their guiding principle for the year. ‘The idea is a play on having 20/20 vision, which means we are able to see clearly. With this in mind, we are encouragin­g students to find clarity within their goals, their values, and within themselves, as they approach the year ahead,’ says Hugh.

Emily says the leadership team is challengin­g students to be clear about the values of the College, as well their own personal values. ‘If we are consistent­ly living by our values, then we are being true to who we are, which helps us to feel more secure in tough situations.’

As a young Samoan man, the cultural diversity and inclusiven­ess of life at St Andrew’s, ‘where everyone is accepted’ is something Hugh appreciate­s, along with the many sporting opportunit­ies on offer, given he is a talented young sportsman.

Emily has a strong cultural background, particular­ly in Dance and Orchestra, and says the opportunit­ies for students to explore their passions at St Andrew’s are ‘incredible’.

These positive young role models are looking forward to building on the solid leadership foundation already in place at the College, and to be known as approachab­le, relatable leaders.

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