Latitude Magazine

Microgreen Egg Heads


This is such a fun and easy way to get children involved in gardening. It’s super simple and you only need a few things to make them.


✓ Packet of Microgreen Seeds

✓ Seed Raising Mix or Potting Mix

✓ Face Mask

✓ Gardening Gloves

✓ Eggshells

✓ Egg Cartons

✓ Permanent Marker

✓ Watering Bottle

Collect your eggshells and draw cute and crazy faces on them.

Fill with seed raising mix or potting mix. Sprinkle some microgreen seeds on top. Rocket is the fastest to grow and keeps kids interested as it germinates within 3 days.

Gently water your egg heads and sit somewhere they will get some light. Water them each day so the soil stays moist but not soaking wet.

In 7 days, your egg heads should have a head full of hair for you to cut and enjoy!

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