Let's Travel

From the editor

- Gary Dickson EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

It never ceases to amaze me the extent to which New Zealanders travel. I have bumped in to so many Kiwis all over the globe in some of the most unlikely places. From a secluded beach in Corfu, Greece to a train trip across the Rockies and from a bar in a seedy suburb of Cape Town to the most elegant restaurant in New Orleans. We must surely be one of the most travelled population­s on the planet.

And, I have to say, I am lucky (very lucky) to be involved in this business and thus able to bring you some of my own experience­s and travel stories first hand.

I have to say that over the past (almost) five years since we started Let’s Travel my opinion on a couple of destinatio­ns has changed dramatical­ly. Places I once wouldn’t have given the time of day to have changed my mind.

I suppose, if I am honest, the main one would be the U.S.A. Once upon a time I was happy to have been to Southern California with my (then) young family. Today, I can’t get enough of the huge diversity that is the Good Ol’ US of A. You’ll see two of my articles in this issue alone, along with a couple from some good friends and colleagues.

Since Brand USA launched itself in to the NZ marketplac­e just on a year ago NZ visitors to the states have increased by 20% and I’d like to think we at Let’s Travel have had a hand in that. After all, if you don’t read our articles then head to your local travel agent, or book it yourself online, how else will you find out about the amazing things there are to do and see in all 50 states.

Keep your eye out for our 5th anniversar­y issue coming your way in August.

Live long and prosper!

"The worst thing about being a tourist is having other tourists recognise you as a tourist.”

-Russell Baker (1925-)

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