Lizard News

Lonesome locked down Lab


Hello, I’m Jack and I love the f words - family, friends, frisbees and food! The first photo is of me with a grandie taken back when life used to be fun. We always had lots of visitors and most days Dad’s brothers would come around and we would go up to the Point and play frisbee golf. My favourite game. In the weekend, my Mum would play too. And she is such a good player.

My job was to watch every throw and if one of the bros (not Mum) did a dumb shot, I would retrieve it. I would even dive down underwater to fetch them if the tide was in. Then I would get heaps of pats and praise and get called Wonder Dog and I’d feel so proud. However, I digress.

Now, no-one comes to visit. Not even the boys I grew up with and their lovable grandies. Dad doesn’t take me out in the car any more. The bros don’t come to play golf any more. Mum is so busy being essential that she comes home from work exhausted and has no time for me.

Dad still takes me for a walk every day but even then, I’m not allowed to play with my doggie mates. No one stops for a pat and chat but they give me a wide berth instead. So I’m stuck at home with Dad.

I can hear the neighbours are home, so when Dad is busy in the garden or talking to his hand (which he does way more now) I can sneak over for a visit. I love going to the neighbours who have kids. They play cricket and I pinch their ball and we have a laugh. I usually get about 10 minutes max before Dad will miss me and call me home.

Anyway, now I’ve got myself in big trouble.

Someone took a photo of me at the end of our driveway where I was deemed ‘off my property’ and sent it to the dog ranger. Now, Mum and Dad have to pay a $200 fine and I am tied up 24/7. You might hear me barking and crying because I don’t understand. That’s me all sad in the photo below. I thought you humans were meant to be being kind to each other. And where are you all, anyway?

Jack, Ōmokoroa

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