Lizard News

National opposes Three Waters

- By Hon Scott Simpson MP For Coromandel

People are right to be worried about the Government’s Three Waters policy. Three waters refers to Council’s drinking water, storm water and waste water assets.

Labour’s planned reforms will effectivel­y nationalis­e the assets bought and paid for by generation­s of ratepayers and turn them over to four new huge water agencies covering all of New Zealand.

These changes will have massive implicatio­ns on our communitie­s, but there has been little to no public consultati­on. The Government has touted that the changes will bring cost savings, but their forecasts are based on unrealisti­c assumption­s. All I can see is the potential to create another level of bureaucrac­y that water users will have to fund.

The other big risk is that areas with suitable water management systems will be subsidisin­g those who haven’t invested in their infrastruc­ture and therefore effectivel­y paying twice. No doubt the improvemen­t of water assets will be an ongoing issue, but it needs to be tackled on a local level.

National opposes this policy because it would effectivel­y take the “local” out of local government. It fails to consider that each region has different needs, different existing infrastruc­ture and future challenges. We would investigat­e the possibilit­y of co-investment or joint funding partnershi­ps between central government and local councils to fix specific water needs.

Please never hesitate to be in touch if I can be of assistance or if you’d like to let me know your thinking on issues of concern. Just email mpcoromand­ or phone on 0800 550 330.

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