Lizard News

Ōmokoroa Neighbourh­ood Support

- By Rachel Millard

See something, say something. It’s a message that is regularly repeated by

Police- people need to report a crime, even if regarded as minor. If it is not reported, it did not happen and will likely continue or escalate.

Here are some recent reports from Community Patrol:

Cars have been driving through the walkway between Parkland Rise and Bert Wall Drive to avoid the STOP/GO roadworks delays. They have been driving on the grass to avoid the pole in the middle. If you see this, take the rego and report to Council. The Antenno app is useful for all Council reports.

Vehicles have been reported speeding on Sentinel Avenue in Kaimai Views, causing some near misses with cyclists etc. Take any regos and report via the 105 Community RoadWatch report.

On a Saturday night in mid-December, the new playground under constructi­on at Ōmokoroa Domain was entered and security fencing was pushed over. Youths were seen and spoken to and became abusive. Police were called but were unable to attend. Sometime later, the toilet block on the beachfront was discovered to have been vandalised with human excrement spread around. This caused a real mess and had to be closed for repairs by Council.

There are several cameras in the area, which were going to be checked. Once again if you see suspicious characters in areas they should not be, call 111. The same night a car had its doors all opened and boot opened. Nothing was taken as there was nothing of value in the car. Police noticed it and woke the homeowners to alert them.

Remember, if you see something, say something.

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