Lizard News

Scott says

- By Hon Scott Simpson MP For Coromandel

I’m pleased to be part of a government with a clear direction and a positive plan. It’s all about getting things done and getting New Zealand back on track. As part of that, we’ve published our latest Action Plan for the next three months. Unsurprisi­ngly, it focuses on rebuilding the economy, restoring law and order, and delivering better public services.

Those are our key objectives, which so many people keep telling me they see as their top priorities. The plan features 36 policy points, which will make a real difference to New Zealanders’ lives whether they live here in the Western Bay of Plenty or anywhere else around the country.

Part of this plan is the introducti­on of nine targets for the public sector to focus on. Despite the hard work of those on the frontlines, many of our public services have worsened over recent years. We cannot let that slide continue if the Western Bay and the wider country are to remain a place where people want to live and work.

We’re determined to reduce the wait times at emergency department­s, increase school attendance, and reduce child and youth offending.

None of these targets will be easy to achieve, but we’re here to do what’s needed to improve the lives of all New Zealanders. The previous government’s approach was to throw money at a problem. That didn’t work, but we know targets do. Ten targets were set under the last National government, and all saw improved outcomes.

I think it’s important that people know what we are planning to do, how we’re going to do it, and what the results will be. Yes, this is very different from the way things were under the last government, but that’s what we were elected to do, and we are determined to achieve it.

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