Manawatu Guardian

Summer a great time in the garden

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Summer is a heavenly time to be in the home garden. Summer flowers are in full bloom, harvesting summer vegetables begins, strawberri­es are growing heavily and the bees are buzzing.

Vegetable garden

Summer salad vegetables planted in early spring will be ready for harvest. Continue regular plantings of quickmatur­ing vegetables like dwarf beans and radishes to ensure continuous harvesting.

Start mulching your developing vegetables now to help with the retention of soil moisture and control weed growth. Apply side dressings of vegetable fertiliser to slow-maturing vegetables like sweet corn and tomatoes.

Early planted potatoes can be dug up. Water your vegetable plants when required and deeply.

Flowering annuals

Brighten up parts of the garden and large containers by planting classic summer flowering annuals. These include ageratum, cornflower, cosmos, marigolds, petunias, portulacas, salvias, strawflowe­rs and zinnias. Prepare new flower beds thoroughly by adding compost to the existing soil before planting.


The home-garden strawberry patch should be at its peak. Place pea straw, hay or crushed bark around plants to keep the strawberri­es clean. Cover the patch with bird netting as birds are rather partial to strawberri­es. Water when required, but avoid overwateri­ng.

Berry fruit

Boysenberr­ies, blackcurra­nts, gooseberri­es and raspberrie­s will be producing significan­t new canes. Some can be tied down while the surplus can be removed.


With the increasing temperatur­es, herbs will be thriving.

More than one plant of frequently used herbs may be required in the home garden, such as basil, chives and parsley.

Where possible, site the herb garden near the kitchen for easy access, even if they are in pots.

 ??  ?? Boysenberr­ies, blackcurra­nts, gooseberri­es and raspberrie­s will be ripening.
Boysenberr­ies, blackcurra­nts, gooseberri­es and raspberrie­s will be ripening.

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