Manawatu Guardian

The Benefits of Trees


Here at BeaverTree Services we love trees. Not surprising considerin­g it’s what we’re all about!

But trees are an incredibly important part of everyone’s day to day lives and while we may not notice them every day, they are always there improving our lives. We all know that trees produce oxygen, but did you know they can also reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases? Trees can keep our cities cool and help control stormwater run off and erosion. Additional­ly, they provide food and shelter for a variety of birds and other animals, as well as other plant life.

Trees are also economical­ly beneficial. They can help extend the life of our roads, by shading and cooling the tarmac they reduce maintenanc­e costs. They can increase property values by adding beauty and character to urban areas, and studies have shown an increase in visitors to retail or commercial areas with a mature and high-quality tree canopy.

Throughout human history trees have been sources of food, medicine, toys, cooking utensils, carving, tools, transports, dyes, building materials for housing, furniture,

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